If a Game updates, the Bot needs to get updated by us aswell.\\ This takes usually a few hours.\\ You can always check the current Bot Status on the frontpage of our website or here:\\ [[http://www.mmominion.com/thread-8268-lastpost.html| FFXIVMinion Bot Status]]\\ \\ If your game crashes / closes at the startup or when the bot is not attached / you cannot see the Bot UI, read the [[installation|Requirements ]] again.\\ \\ Here you can get Support: * [[http://www.mmominion.com/index.php|Forum]] * [[http://www.mmominion.com/tickets.php|TicketSystem]] * [[https://discord.gg/0iAWExfcHtob4DtI| Live Chat ]] ( be aware, we are not online in the Chat 24/7 )