THIS ADDON REQUIRES TOOLBOX (FREE ON STORE) (Wiki WIP) ======== Husbando's Toolbox+ ======== {{}} \\ \\ \\ This addon is an extension for Husbando's Toolbox.\\ It Contains Premium addons in a pack to help support further development of tools like this.\\ ===== Whats Included? ===== * Retainers+ adds the ability to assign specific Item and 18H ventures and "Run Retainers" via DungeonMaster * Party Follow Assist+ adds some assistant, combat, and Eureka-specific features * Early Access Beta's (Planned) * More Planned ===== How To Use? ===== {{}}\\ ===== Changelog ===== Details Changelogs can be found in my #updates channel in my Discord.\\ ===== Support ===== For support or anything related to this addon please post in the forum > \\ For quick live support join my Discord >\\