=====Kitanoi's Dungeon Framework===== Requires KitanoiFuncs(Free) Requires Argus(Paid) by Rikudou http://wiki.mmominion.com/doku.php?id=Argus Requires TensorCore(Free) by Rikudou http://wiki.mmominion.com/doku.php?id=TensorCore ==== Supported Dungeons ==== ===Duty Support / Trust=== **All duty support dungeons are supported upto The Lunar Subterrane.** Tabbed UI
===Trials=== * 70 - Shinryu Extreme * 70 - Seiryu Extreme * 73 - The Dancing Plague (Story)。缇坦妮雅歼灭战。ティターニア討滅戦 (8 Characters required) * 80 - The Cinder Drift (Story)。红宝石神兵破坏作战。ルビーウェポン破壊作戦 (8 Characters required) * 80 - The Seat of Sacrifice (Story)。光之战士歼灭战。ウォーリア・オブ・ライト討滅戦 (8 Characters required) * 83 - The Dark Inside(Story)。月球深处。月の底 (8 Characters required) * 90 - The Final Day(Story)。终结之战。終焉の戦い (8 Characters required) ===Raids=== * 80 - Eden's Gate: Resurection E1N (Undersized)。伊甸希望乐园 觉醒之章1。希望の園エデン:覚醒編1 (8 Characters required) *Thanks to Koyote#6642 * 80 - Eden's Gate: Inundation E3N (Undersized)。伊甸希望乐园 觉醒之章3。希望の園エデン:覚醒編3 (8 Characters required) *Thanks to Koyote#6642 * 80 - Eden's Gate: Sepulture E4N (Undersized)。伊甸希望乐园 觉醒之章4。希望の園エデン:覚醒編4 (8 Characters required) *Thanks to Koyote#6642 * 90 - Asphodelos: The First Circle P1N。万魔殿 边境之狱1。万魔殿パンデモニウム:辺獄編1 (8 Characters required) * 90 - Asphodelos: The Second Circle P2N。万魔殿 边境之狱2。万魔殿パンデモニウム:辺獄編2 (8 Characters required) * 90 - Asphodelos: The Third Circle P3N。万魔殿 边境之狱3。万魔殿パンデモニウム:辺獄編3 (8 Characters required) * 90 - Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle P4N。万魔殿 边境之狱4。万魔殿パンデモニウム:辺獄編4 (8 Characters required) ===Community Made Profiles=== https://tiny.cc/Kitanoi -------------------------------------------------------------- ====Combat Routines==== There are combat routines built into KDF for all jobs except: * BLM (AnyoneCore has a free BLM ACR) * WAR (TensorCore has a free WAR ACR) * DRK (TensorCore has a free DRK ACR) -------------------------------------------------------------- ====Quest Integration==== KDF fully integrates with **Latty's** MSQ profiles and can take control to complete the dungeons using Duty Support. Any duty that was added to the Duty Support system after patch 6.3 requires the KDF Quest Expansion 1 to be automatically completed while questing. There are a number of solo MSQ duties that are also included that are not automatically completed by the quest profiles. This combination can run 1-90 uninterrupted barring any 8 person trial, and the required role quest in Shadowbringers. With the KDF Quest Expansion 1, quest integration is expanded to **Sebbs'** class quests. MSQ+Class Quests cannot be run together. -------------------------------------------------------------- ====Terminology==== {{:kitanoi:dungtype.png?nolink|}} Undersized : Unrestricted Party : 解除限制 : 制限解除 Synced : Regular Duty : 通常任务 : 通常コンテンツ Trust : 亲信战友 Squadron : 冒险者分队 : 冒険者小隊 Built In : 内建 -------------------------------------------------------------- ====Important Notes==== No Duty Finder Support - Ever. Requires 4 botted accounts for synced 4 man dungeons. Requires 8 botted accounts for synced 8 man dungeons. Requires at least 1 botted account for unsynced dungeons. Requires 1 botted account for story mode solo dungeons - trust dungeons - squadrons FPS - each instance should be 25 fps minimum. Some fights will cause the fps to drop calculating safe spots and 25fps is sufficient even with the drop. Lower fps you will have issues. -------------------------------------------------------------- ====API==== Example Profile: local tbl = { name = "Stone Vigil synced no loot", dutyid = 168, objectivedestinations = { [1] = {objective = 1, pos = {x = 0.58, y = 0.09, z = 112.31}}, [2] = {objective = 2, pos = {x = 49.50, y = 4, z = -79.79}}, [3] = {objective = 3, pos = {x = -0.00, y = 0.01, z = -265.70}}, }, forcemeleerange = {1677}, queuetype = 1, interactdistance = 20, enemytargetdistance = 15, tankat = { [1] = {contentid = 1677, frompercent = 100, topercent = 95, pos = {x = 0.05, y = 0.01, z = 107.83}, desc = "tank first boss away from party from 100-95%"}, }, hasbuff = { }, interacts = { [1] = {contentid = 2001880, priority = 1, req = {objective = 3, complete = false}, priority = 1, type = "strongroom gate"}, }, avoidentity= { [1] = {contentid= 1678, radius = 6}, }, incombatinteract= { [1] = {interactid= "2001884;2001885;2001886", req = {castingid = 1028, desc = "isegbind casting"}, type= "interact", who = "closest", desc = "berthas"}, }, prioritytarget = { }, puddledata= { [1] = {castid = 1023, radius= 5, duration = 60, desc = "ice puddle left by isebind"}, [2] = {castid = 1024, radius= 6, duration = 60, desc = "ice puddle left by isebind while flying"}, }, advancedavoid = { }, overheadmarkers = { }, } return tbl **dutyid** - [int][required] This is the localmapid of the dungeon you wish to run. dutyid = 616, d(Player.localmapid) * can be obtained by entering the dungeon and typing the above code snippet into the console. **mesh** - [string][optional] The name of the mesh you want to use, or blank. name = "Shisui of the Violet Tides", **objectivedestinations** - [table][required] - The positions of each objective. If the dungeon is linear, you can define each objective as the same position. Ensure there is an entry for the correct amount of objectives in the dungeon. objectivedestinations = { [1] = {objective = 1, pos = {x = 21.91, y = 7.10, z = 27.38}}, [2] = {objective = 2, pos = {x = 114.30, y = -3.155, z = -24.09}}, [3] = {objective = 3, pos = {x = -13.54, y = 5.74, z = -91.40}}, [4] = {objective = 4, pos = {x = -113.26, y = -1.069, z = -53.45}}, [5] = {objective = 5, pos = {x= -13.3, y= 35.67, z= -237.70}}, }, * due to only using a single destination point, you must ensure the mesh you are using is correctly meshed and includes all necessary OMCs. **queuetype** - [int][required] - 1: synced, 2: unsynced, 3: trusts, 4: squadron, 10: variant, 13: criterion queuetype = 2, **type** - [string][required*] * regular duty doesn't require, trust or story does require. options: "story", "trust", "duty", "vc" type = "story", **vcactions** [table][optional] - used to determine which variant dungeon actions to queue with. If nil, cure and rampart are selected. vcactions = {0,4}, [0] = "Variant Cure", [1] = "Variant Ultimatum", [2] = "Variant Raise", [3] = "Variant Spirit Dart", [4] = "Variant Rampart", **trustdata** [table][required*] * required if using type = "trust", else it isn't required. trustdata = { mapid = 837, scenario = false, }, **bossids** - [table][optional] - Expects contentid. Will force melee range above 90% HP on those targets. bossids = {6241,6237}, **interacts** - [table][required] - Field is required even if it is just an empty table. interacts = { [1] = {contentid = 897, priority = 2, type = "loot"}, [2] = {contentid = 893, priority = 2, type = "loot"}, [3] = {contentid = 894, priority = 1, type = "loot"}, [4] = {contentid = 898, priority = 1, type = "loot"}, [5] = {contentid = 895, priority = 2, type = "loot"}, [6] = {contentid = 896, priority = 3, type = "loot"}, [7] = {contentid = 899, priority = 4, type = "loot"}, [8] = {contentid = 1004346, priority = 1, req = {objective = 1, complete = false}, type = "brayflox longstop - get first key"}, [9] = {contentid = 2001537, priority = 9, desc = "Powder Chamber", req = {objective = 1, value = 2}}, [10] = {contentid = 2000180, priority = 10, desc = "Blasting Device", req = {type = "noenemy"}}, [11] = {contentid = 1013331, priority = 11, req = {objective = 1, name = "???"}, type = "get keys"}, }, * contentid - contentid of the interactable object * priority - if you need to get a key then open a door, set the key as priority 1 and the door as priority 2. * type - this is just a description for your reference. * req [table][required] This will make it so this interact only happens if objective is met. Options: - {objective = y, complete = z}, --only do if objective x is complete or not - {type = "noememy"}, --only do if there are no enemies - {objective = 1, value = x} --used for when keys or another collectable item is in objective 1. Like keys in Copperbell mines **prioritytarget** - [table][req] prioritytarget = { [1] = {contentid = 6238, priority = 1, type = "first boss scorpion"}, [2] = {contentid = 6244, priority = 2, type = "last boss sharks"}, [3] = {contentid = 6245, priority = 3, type = "something"}, }, * contentid - contentid of the priority target * priority - if two or more priority targets will be alive at the same time, set the priority accordingly. * type - this is just a description for your reference. Table can be empty, but is a required to be in the profile. **hasbuff** - [table][optional] - Handles specific mechanics when a buff is detected on the player. Two modes available. * move - As in the example above, after you get the old debuff on the second boss of Shisui, you want to move away from the chest to avoid opening it again before it is needed. * interact - Useful in areas such as Aurum Vale first boss where you need to interact with the fruit to remove the debuff. hasbuff = { [1] = {type = "move", buffid = 123, pos = {x=2,y=1,z=2}} [2] = {type = "interact" interactid = 123456, stacksrequired = 2} }, **advancedavoid** - [table][optional] advancedavoid = { [1] = {castingid = 545454, type = "los", args = {entityone = 8787887, entitytwo = 78787878, dist = 10}}, [2] = {castingid = 998899, type = "singlefixed", pos = {[1] = {x=1,y=2,z=3}}}, [3] = {castingid = 12587, type = "faceaway"}, [4] = {castingid = 8058, type = "multifixed", pos = {[1] = {x=-9.98,y=27.4,z=-198.46},[2] = {x=-10.02,y=27.4,z=-218.2},[3] = {x=9.93,y=27.4,z=-218.25},[4] = {x=10.04,y=27.4,z=-198.2}}}, [5] = {castingid = 5557, type = "moveinfront"}, [6] = {castingid = 5557, type = "movebehind"}, [7] = {castingid = 20999, type = "movetoentity", entitylist = "contentid=9511,maxdistance30", targetable = false, desc = "last boss blue pool"}, [8] = {castingid = 16777, type = "setdistance", dist = 2, desc = "pendulum"}, [9] = {type = "trust", castingid = 74584}, [10] = {type = "trust", trusttype = {entity = 1234, pos = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 3}, variance = 5}}, [11] = {type = "custom", customdetails = "function", functionname = "customfunction", functioncode = "function customfunction() Player:MoveTo(347,43,-220) d('1') end"}, [12] = {type = "custom", customdetails = "libraryfunction", functioncode = "KitanoiFuncs.customfunction()"}, [13] = {castingid = 16777, type = "setdistancefrom", pos = {x=0,y=1,z=3}, dist = 2, desc = "pendulum"}, }, * los - Line of Sight. Provide the entity casting (entityone), and the entityid of what you wish to hide behind, a meteor for instance (entitytwo) and a distance behind entitytwo to be.) Will clear target. * singlefixed - Useful for stacking or where there is no risk stacking characters together to avoid. * faceaway - Faceaway from the cast. * multifixed - Need to spread during a cast, provide the positions for each character (4 for a 4 person dungeon, and 8 for a trial / raid) * moveinfront - image below * movebehind - image below * moveleftofenemy - image below * moverightofenemy - image below * movefrontleftofenemy - image below * movefrontrightofenemy - image below * setdistance - moves to a set distance away from the targeted enemy when it starts casting the spell. Will clear target. * setdistancefrom - will move you a set distance away from the designated position when an enemy starts casting the spell. * castingid tends to be the channelingid seen in minions dev scanner. * type trust - castingid only if wanting to follow a trust during a channel / cast. * type trust - trusttype: entity[req] contentid, pos[req] table of position, variance[req] int max distance from specified position to search for entity. * type custom - customdetails: function or libraryfunction - function - create your own function with the function name customfunction() as shown above. - libraryfunction - call a function from your own addon, enclose the function name in "". Custom Functions Timers: KitanoiSettings.DFTimer KitanoiSettings.DFTimer2 KitanoiSettings.DFTimer3 KitanoiSettings.DFTimer4 KitanoiSettings.DFTimer5 These are ints. They are used as so: --3000 can be changed to as often as you want it to run if (TimeSince(KitanoiSettings.DFTimer)>3000 or KitanoiSettings.DFTimer == 0) then --do something --set the timer as now so to delay again. KitanoiSettings.DFTimer = Now() end These two options are in advancedavoid, but will be called constanly so don't only need to be used for avoidance tasks. Ensure in your function if you call Player:Move(x,y,z) to add a line KitanoiSettings.avoidingtime = Now(). This is to ensure your movement code will work and my addon doesn't try to take over. {{:kitanoi:movearoundenemy.png?nolink|}} Using these options, you will move to the point specified around your targeted enemy. Useful for spinning attacks. **overheadmarkers** - [table][optional] Will be able to specify markers and types and whether to stack or spread. overheadmarkers = { [1] = {id = 123, contentid = "6237", desc= "spread", type = "move", detectwho = "me", pos = {[1] = {x=-9.98,y=27.4,z=-198.46},[2] = {x=-10.02,y=27.4,z=-218.2},[3] = {x=9.93,y=27.4,z=-218.25},[4] = {x=10.04,y=27.4,z=-198.2}}, returnpos = {[1] = {x=-1.98,y=27.4,z=-118.46},[2] = {x=-1.02,y=27.4,z=-208.2},[3] = {x=3.93,y=27.4,z=-248.25},[4] = {x=7.04,y=27.4,z=-178.2}}, timetoreturn = 5}, [2] = {id = 124, contentid = "6237", desc= "stack", type = "move", detectwho = "any", pos = {[1] = {x=-9.98,y=27.4,z=-198.46},[2] = {x=-9.98,y=27.4,z=-198.46},[3] = {x=-9.98,y=27.4,z=-198.46},[4] = {x=-9.98,y=27.4,z=-198.46}}, --all move to same point to stack timetoreturn = 5}, }, --movetoentity overheadmarker [3] = {id = 62, contentid = "9264", desc= "lastboss stacking", type = "move", detectwho = "any", movetoentity = true, timetoreturn = 5, }, [4] = { id = 62, contentid = "9263", desc= "secondboss stacking", precise = false, type = "move", detectwho = "any", pos = { [1] = {x=20,y=110,z=-75,}, [2] = {x=20,y=110,z=-75,}, [3] = {x=20,y=110,z=-75,}, [4] = {x=20,y=110,z=-75,}, }, timetoreturn = 4, }, }, }, * desc: is just a description and not required * contentid: [string] to link the overhead marker to a boss. This is for instances where multiple bosses use the same marker ids. If using multiple ids, separate them with a semi colon. * type: currently just supports move, possibly in the future will add others as people tell me if any others are necessary. spread, you need to provide the positions to spread to, stack will move to the character with the stack marker. * detectwho: me - only detects for the individual character and handle it is the marker is on them, any will detect the marker on any player and do the mechanic whether or not they have a marker. any is designed for stacking, whereas me is for spreading. * pos [table] individual positions for each character as shown above, in 8 man content you'd need to provide 8 positions. * returnpos [table][required] individual positions for each character as shown above, in 8 man content you'd need to provide 8 positions. This is the point to return to after spreading for markers. Useful for when puddles are left. * timetoreturn [int][required] in seconds to wait before returning to returnpos * precise [bool][optional] if false, your character will only move to the specified position if the distance is > 5. Ideal to use when there is some avoidance happening at the same time as the stack marker. * movetoentity [bool][optional] nil if not being used. Instead of specifying specific locations, you will move to within 5 yalms of the target of the overhead marker. **useactions** [table][optional] Will attempt to use duty actions. Options for target are "target" and "me" and enemypos (like cannons) useaction = { [1] = {actiontree = 1, actionid = 9823, target = "target", contentid = 6909, desc = "shatterstone"}, [2] = {actiontree = 1, actionid = 9824, target = "target", contentid = 6909, desc = "shatterstone"}, [3] = {actiontree = 1, actionid = 12257, target = "enemypos", contentid = 297, desc = "cannon in castrum meridianum"}, }, * contentid can be multiple for enemypos, use a string separated by ; - eg. "1234;5478;5478;6985" - the nearest entity will be used for the position. Can use the following in the console to find actions: KitanoiFuncs.FindAction(str) Replace str with the action name inside of " - case doesn't matter **enemytargetdistance** [int][optional] set this to the distance you wish the radius around the tank (or solo) character to be checked when trying to target enemies. If you are finding a nav issue whereas your character runs passed a boss, increase this number until you stop running past. If this option isn't used, the default distance is 30. enemytargetdistance = 30, **dontclearfriendlytargets** [table][optional] dontclearfriendlytargets = {1234,4567,8901} By default, Dungeon Framework clears target whenever you are targeting a friendly entity. When using UseAction, you may need to be targeting the cannon or object. Put that object contentid in this table and it will not clear the target automatically. **Free For All**[bool][optional] Profile level setting Free For All option. FFA = true, **prioritytargetdistance** [int][optional] distance to search for priority targets. If this option isn't used, the default distance is 30. prioritytargetdistance = 30, **interactdistance** [int][optional] distance to search for interacts (loot,keys,doors). This only works for out of combat interacts. In combat interacts like those used with hasbuff has a distance of 50 regardless. If this option isn't used, the default distance is 30. interactdistance = 30, **requeuetimer** [int][optional] Time required after leaving a dungeon before requeuing. If this option isn't used, the default time is 15 seconds. requeuetimer = 30, **meshchange** [table][optional] Will change mesh based on below options. Will revert to default / selected mesh when a loading screen is detected. This is useful for fights such as titan where the platform shrinks at certain %. * percent [int/float]- when your target it below the % specified * castid [int]- when an enemy is casting a certain spell (channelingid) * newmesh [string] - name of the mesh you wish to change to. * reverttimer [int][optional] - revert to original mesh after this many seconds. meshchange = { [1] = {type = "percent", percent = 50, newmesh = "The Naval - Smallest", desc = "switch to smallest platform"}, [2] = {type = "castid", castid = 1234, newmesh = "This that t'other", reverttimer = 20, desc = "specific avoidance requirement"}, }, **togglewalk** [table][optional] useful when you need precise navigation such as in Dohn Mheg. When inside of the polygon and on the specified mesh, walking will be enabled. If not on the specified mesh, or outside of the polygon, normal running speed it used. * polygon - for a triangle, provide 3 points, square 4, complex shapes any number of points. * meshname - current mesh name must match this before the walk takes effect. togglewalk = { [1] = {polygon= {[1] = {x = 12, z = 21}, [2] = {x = 21, z = 12}, [3] = {x = 38, z = 38}}, meshname = "The Naval - Smallest, desc = "switch to smallest platform"}, }, **excludeavoid** [table][optional] Way to stop my avoidance avoiding some aoes, such as those that are part of a stack marker. channelingid of each cast separated by a comma. excludeavoid = {1,2,3,4,5} **dontexcludeaoe** [table][optional] Way to ensure aoes are avoided. This was added for large aoes that are greater than the auto exclude distance shown in the avoidance tab. An example is Zodiark's charge across the platform, adding that aoe here means it will be avoided, while keeping the default 30. dontexcludeaoe = {1234,587,489,} Through advancedavoid, you can add avoidance through the below method too. It is useful if you need to enable and disable avoidance of certain aoes: KitanoiSettings.DFIndexedExcludeAvoid[aoeid] = true -- excludes an aoe KitanoiSettings.DFIndexedExcludeAvoid[aoeid] = nil -- removes an excluded aoe (that you have previously added) **tankspecific** [table][optional] Used when you have 2 tanks needing to tank separate enemies at specific locations. Will auto turn on tank stance (will get turned off again on OT) get 100% aggro, then move to designated position. tankspecific = { [1] = { who = "tank1", type = "tankat", pos = {x=1,y=2,z=3}, contentid = 12345, }, [2] = { who = "tank2", type = "tankat", pos = {x=3,y=2,z=1}, contentid = 54321, }, [3] = { who = "tank1", type = "forcetarget", contentid = 12345, } [4] = { who = "tank2", type = "forcetarget", contentid = 54321, } } **tankbuster** [table][optional] All characters except tank or the character that is currently has 100% aggro will avoid. tankbuster = {1,2,3,4,5} **tankat** [table][optional] Allows you to specify a position, % from and % to to tank at that position. This is useful if you need to be able to move the boss at certain %. This will only work for tanks, or those who are at the top of the aggro list. tankat= { [1] = {contentid = 12345, frompercent = 100, topercent = 95, pos = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 3}, desc = "tank boss 12345 at this pos from 100-95%"}, }, * contentid [required] contentid of the enemy * frompercent [required] should be the higher % * topercent [required] should be the lower % * pos [required] position to tank at **puddledata** [table][optional] Specify spells that leave puddles on the floor. Provide the channelingid, radius, and duration. This will tell my avoidance system to not avoid into this puddle. puddledata= { [1] = {castid = 12345, radius= 5, duration = 15, type = "player", desc = "puddle left by boss 2 when casting super fire move at player"}, [2] = {castid = 15545, radius= 5, duration = 15, type = "ground", desc = "puddle that appears at random points on ground"}, }, **pullenemyoutofpuddle** [bool][optional] Used in combination with puddledata. Useful for the final boss of Brayflox Longstop to pull Aiatar out of the puddles. Isn't perfect, but is successful. pullenemyoutofpuddle = true, **incombatinteract** [table][optional] incombatinteract= { [1] = {interactid= 12345, type= "interact", req = {castingid = 1208, desc = "isegbind casting"}, who = "closest", desc = "interact with something"}, [2] = {interactid= "12345;8484;4984", type= "interact", who = "closest", desc = "interact with something"}, [3] = {interactid= 54345, type= "move", who = "closest", buffid = 90, pos = {x = 1, y = 2, z = 3}, dist = 15, action = {type = 1, actionid = 24}, desc = "interact and move with something"}, }, * contentid - contentid of the entity you need to interact with * type - interact: just interact - move: interact and move to a point * who - closest: only the person closest to the interact will perform the action - all: all characters will attempt to interact * action - used when you need to place an item after moving. type is which tree the action is in, actionid is the actionid * pos - place to move to and use action (place item) * dist - radius around pos that you can place the item * buffid - this is needed to trigger the move to pos * desc - decription for your reference * req [table][optional] castingid and desc **avoidentity**[table][optional] - Used to avoid moving entities, like those on the second boss in Stone Vigil. Set the radius slightly larger than where the aoe is. avoidentity= { [1] = {contentid= 12345, radius = 5, type = "circle"}, [2] = {contentid= 12345, radius = 5}, [3] = {contentid= 52341, type = "rectangle"}, }, * radius is used for circle avoids * type: Optional - "circle" or "rectangle" or null. Null works as a circle, rectange defines the area infront of the entity as an unsafe AOE area. **forcemeleerange**[table][optional] forcemeleerange= {12345,65421,47811} * contentid separated by a comma. **faceenemyaway**[table][optional] faceenemyaway = {12345,65421,47811} * contentid separated by a comma. Tank, when at 100% aggro will attempt to face away any enemy with a matching contentid away from the party. **tethers** - handles tethers tethers = { [1] = {id = 12, type = "avoid", radius = 16, who = "entityone", duration = 6, desc = "First Boss Jumps"}, [2] = {id = 12, type = "avoid", radius = 16, who = "entitytwo", duration = 6, desc = "First Boss jumps"}, [3] = {id = 17, type = "move", priority = 1, pos = {[1] = {[1] = {x = -458.90, y = 1.19, z = -531.26}, [2] = {x = -441.77, y = 0, z = -532.75},}, [2] = {[1] = {x = -458.90, y = 1.19, z = -531.26}, [2] = {x = -441.77, y = 0, z = -532.75},}, [3] = {[1] = {x = -458.90, y = 1.19, z = -531.26}, [2] = {x = -441.77, y = 0, z = -532.75},}, [4] = {[1] = {x = -458.90, y = 1.19, z = -531.26}, [2] = {x = -441.77, y = 0, z = -532.75},}}, desc = "Second Boss normal tether"}, [4] = {id = 79, type = "move", priority = 2, pos = {[1] = {[1] = {x = -462.99, y = -2.38, z = -544.31}, [2] = {x = -436.37, y = 2.38, z = -543.47},}, [2] = {[1] = {x = -467.53, y = 2.38, z = -537.02}, [2] = {x = -431.78, y = 0, z = -535.72},}, [3] = {[1] = {x = -467.04, y = -1.19, z = -525.08}, [2] = {x = -431.71, y = -1.19, z = -527.03},}, [4] = {[1] = {x = -463.28, y = -1.19, z = -517.52}, [2] = {x = -435.81, y = 0, z = -518.89},}}, desc = "Second Boss red tether"}, }, * id: tether id * type: avoid: area around the entity that is tethered needs to be avoided. stack: stack with other entity * radius: combined with avoid - radius around entity to not avoid into. * who: entityone / entitytwo: one tether from, two tether to. * pos: table with any number of positions you want to use. It will check each position isn't in an aoe / puddle(if defined) and move to the first one it finds. Format of the table is : PosTable = { Character1 = {data}, Character2 = {}} **limitbreak** limitbreak = { [1] = {contentid = 9505, percent = 15, level = 1, type = "melee"}, [2] = {contentid = 9511, percent = 15, level = 2, type = "melee"}, [3] = {contentid = 1234, percent = 95, level = 1, type = "squadron"}, }, * contentid of enemy you wish to use the LB on, must be targeting it. * percent - will be used when the target is equal or below this number * level - what level of LB should be used * type - melee, ranged, magic, tank, healer, dps (encompasses melee, ranged, magic), squadron **dontcastwhenlb**[optional][bool] will pause ACR/skill profile (doesn't work with MCR) when conditions met to allow LB to be cast faster. **tankswap** [optional][table] tankswap = {9999,4444}, castid or channelingid when you wish to tank swap. Ideally you want to turn autostances off in your skill profiles / acr and use the below option as well and let the addon handle tank stances. **autotankstance** [optional][bool] autotankstance= true, Only useful in dungeons where multiple tanks are in use. Ensure auto tank stances are turned off in skill profiles / acrs. **ignoretarget** [optional][table] ignoretarget = {2667,1234}, Comma separated contentid - will exclude these contentids from being targeted. **enemylos** [optional][bool] enemylos = false, true or false - false allows targeting through walls. true will only target when los **avoidancetype** avoidancetype = 1, --new avoidancetype = 2, --old This code will allow you to determine which avoidance type is used for the profile. For instance, I use new everywhere, but in Malikah's Well boss 3, old is better. This allows me to use the new option in avoidance tab, but old avoidance in that dungeon. **largerpulls** [tbl][optional] largerpulls = { distance = 45, }, --It is only designed to work in a proper party (or a solo tank), it is no use for solo farming dungeons. --It will not be made available as a toggle option to be running on any dungeon. It will not be added to my trust profiles. --This is something that you can use in your own profiles. It is limited in how it works, if you find yourself running into wall, lower the distance. **dontcastwhenmoving** [bool][optional] dontcastwhenmoving = true, forces skillprofiles / acrs to not cast when your character is moving. Doesn't work with MCR **staybehindentity**[optional][table] staybehindentity = {1234,4567,7890,0123} Comma separated contentid. Will move your character behind the boss provided the following conditions are met: - There are currently no AOEs - The character is not a tank - The character does not have top aggro on entity - The character does not have a tether **mapeffects** [optional][table] mapeffects = { [1] = { contentid = "123;654", -- semicolon separated string a1 = 43, a2 = 128, a3 = 2, luacode = "d('This is just an example, and would run one time when the mapeffect change happens')", }, }, This data is available from the console. This will be used for things such as snakes in Zodiark, triangles in WoL etc. More details in Argus wiki. This mapeffect data will also be stored to: local stringed = IsNull(a1,"none") .. IsNull(a2,"none") .. IsNull(a3,"none") KitanoiSettings.SavedMapEffects[tostring(stringed)] = { a1 = IsNull(a1,"none"), a2 = IsNull(a2,"none"), a3 = IsNull(a3,"none"), timeadded = Now() } if (KitanoiSettings.SavedMapEffects["153none"] ~= nil and TimeSince(KitanoiSettings.SavedMapEffects["153none"].timeadded) < 3000) then --do something end if (KitanoiSettings.SavedMapEffects["153512"] ~= nil and TimeSince(KitanoiSettings.SavedMapEffects["153512"].timeadded) < 3000) then --do something end [Kitanoi Functions] - Map Effect - a1: 43 - a2: 4 - a3: 8 -------------------------------------------------------------- ====Additional Functions==== **KitanoiFuncs.LoadDungeonTbl(tbl)** Allows you to load dungeon profiles from lua. This would allow you to set up an addon to autoload dungeon profiles based on mapid for instance. **Variables to use with custom lua** KitanoiSettings.DFTimer[int] KitanoiSettings.DFTimer2[int] KitanoiSettings.DFTimer3[int] KitanoiSettings.DFTimer4[int] KitanoiSettings.DFTimer5[int] KitanoiSettings.StoreVar[tbl] KitanoiSettings.StoreVar2[tbl] KitanoiSettings.StoreVar3[tbl] KitanoiSettings.StoreVar4[tbl] KitanoiSettings.StoreVar5[tbl] **Adding areas to my avoidance table** Circles: if (KitanoiFuncs.puddledata[e.id] == nil) then KitanoiFuncs.puddledata[e.id] = {entity = entityid, pos = entity.pos, radius = 10, aoeID = 468464, name = "Twinning puddles", duration = Now() + 10000} end Rectangles: if (KitanoiFuncs.CurrentAOEs[entity.id] == nil) then KitanoiFuncs.AvoidRectangle2(entity.id,length,width,timeinms) end if (KitanoiFuncs.CurrentAOEs[key] == nil) then KitanoiFuncs.AvoidRectangleSpecific(pos,heading,width,key) --adds for 1 second end key - unique identifier you want to use heading - face the way you want the area to be classed as an aoe. Player.pos.h width - how wide length is 50 by default - no way to change it. Check if there is a record before adding unless it is a moving entity and you need the points updated. --------------------------------------------------------------- ==== Known Map Effects ==== | Boss | Mechanic | a1 | a2 | a3 | notes | | Magitek Core (Paglth'an) | East Laser | 10 | 16 | 32 | Right laser as you look at boss | | Magitek Core (Paglth'an) | Center Laser | 9 | 16 | 32 | Center laser | | Magitek Core (Paglth'an) | West laser | 8 | 16 | 32 | Left laser as you look at boss | | Svarbhanu (Vanaspati) | Pattern OOXO | 10 | 1 | 2 | First meteor is missing at X | | Svarbhanu (Vanaspati) | Pattern OXOO | 11 | 1 | 2 | First meteor is missing at X | | Caustic Grebuloff (The Dead Ends) | Northerly Wind| 43 | 15 | 12 | | | Caustic Grebuloff (The Dead Ends) | Southerly Wind| 43 | 16 | 256 | | | Leannan Sith | *AA| 11 | 1024 | 2048 | See AA below | | Leannan Sith | *AB| 11 | 1 | 2 | See AB below | --------------------------------------------------------------- Warrior of Light Extreme has 84 possible 3 MapEffect combinations. Fights like this won't be added here. *AB OXXO XOOX XOXO OXOX *AA OXXO XOOX OXOX XOXO X = grass --------------------------------------------------------------- ====Item Purchase==== Tasks happen in the following order: NPC Repair > GC exchange > Item Puchase {{:kitanoi:gcebuy.png?nolink|}} - Will buy until your inventory has 500 Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil. Will go to the relevant store each time at least 1 item can be bought. - Will buy Grade 8 Dark Matter to increase the amount in your inventory to the amount of 999 when you have less than 100 in your inventory. If you have 95 in your inventory, 904 more will be bought. - Will buy until your inventory has 500 Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil. Will only go to the relevant store when you have more than 500 Poetics or you are next to a vendor and meet the other requirements. - Will buy until your inventory has 500 Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil. Will only buy when your Poetic count is more than 1500, and you have less than 50 Radz-at-Han Quenching Oil in your inventory. lua conditions must always return boolean. Start the condition with return --------------------------------------------------------------- ====reactions for KDF==== reactions = { [1] = { cause = "return KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCaster2(16659) and ((ActionList:Get(1,7548).usable and not ActionList:Get(1,7548).isoncd) or (ActionList:Get(1,7559).usable and not ActionList:Get(1,7559).isoncd))", effect = "if (ActionList:Get(1,7548).usable and not ActionList:Get(1,7548).isoncd) then ActionList:Get(1,7548):Cast(Player) end if (ActionList:Get(1,7559).usable and not ActionList:Get(1,7559).isoncd) then ActionList:Get(1,7559):Cast(Player) end ", name = "KB immunity", }, }, Example to stop you attacking until you react a destination: local objpullloc = { [1] = {x=1,y=2,z=3}, } local nextobj = KitanoiFuncs.GetFirstNotCompleted() if (Player.incombat and nextobj~=10 and objpullloc[nextobj] ~= nil and math.distance2d(Player.pos,objpullloc[nextobj])>5 and KitanoiFuncs.HowManyAOES() == 0) then return true end Example from Sogigak on Discord to make larger pulls: function customfunction() local DiedOrDungeonStart = math.distance2d(Player.pos, { x = 163.33, y = 0.1, z = 80.07 }) < 10 if BigPull == nil or DiedOrDungeonStart then BigPull = { [1] = false, [2] = false } end local PullPositions = { [1] = { objective = 1, pos = { x = 44.26, y = -8.58, z = 32.19 } }, [2] = { objective = 2, pos = { x = -123.84, y = -30.66, z = -164.22 } } } if KitanoiFuncs.GetFirstNotCompleted() == 1 and Player.incombat and not BigPull[1] and KitanoiFuncs.HowManyAOES() == 0 then local PullPosition = PullPositions[1].pos; if math.distance2d(Player.pos, PullPosition ) > 5 then Player:MoveTo(PullPosition.x, PullPosition.y, PullPosition.z) KitanoiSettings.avoidingtime = Now() + 10000 gACREnabled = false; return else BigPull[1] = true gACREnabled = true return end end if KitanoiFuncs.GetFirstNotCompleted() == 3 and Player.incombat and not BigPull[2] and KitanoiFuncs.HowManyAOES() == 0 then local PullPosition = PullPositions[2].pos; if math.distance2d(Player.pos, PullPosition) > 5 then Player:MoveTo(PullPosition.x, PullPosition.y, PullPosition.z) KitanoiSettings.avoidingtime = Now() + 10000 gACREnabled = false; return else BigPull[2] = true gACREnabled = true return end end end This replaces advancedavoid where you need abilities to be used. For anything else, use advancedavoid. If scanning for a cast, please use: KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCaster2(ID,maxtimer,mintimer,returntbl) --channels local channelexample = KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCaster2(1234) -- returns bool if any entity is currently channeling 1234 local channelexample2 = KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCaster2(1234,nil,nil,true) -- returns table of all entities currently channeling 1234 KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCast2(ID,maxtimer,mintimer,returntbl) --instant casts local castexample = KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCast2(1234,2) --returns bool if any entity has cast 1234 in the past 2 seconds local castexample2 = KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCast2(1234,2,nil,true) --returns table of any entitie that have cast 1234 in the past 2 seconds --------------------------------------------------------------- ====timeline==== timeline = { [1] = { contentids = "1234;4321", --semicolon separated contentids starttime = 1000, --time in milliseconds that the code should run endtime = 3000, --time in milliseconds that the code should stop running luacode = "Player:MoveTo(x,y,z) KitanoiSettings.avoidingtime = Now()", }, [2] = { contentids = "1234;4321", --semicolon separated contentids starttime = 25000, --time in milliseconds that the code should run endtime = 30000, --time in milliseconds that the code should stop running luacode = "Player:MoveTo(x,y,z) KitanoiSettings.avoidingtime = Now()", }, }, Uses KitanoiSettings.InCombatTimer for starttime and endtime TimeSince(KitanoiSettings.InCombatTimer) --------------------------------------------------------------- ====syncon==== syncon = { [1] = { details = "sync combat timer to 190 seconds on annihilation cast", cause = "return KitanoiFuncs.ScanForCast2(33024,1)", time = 190000, } }, This syncs KitanoiSettings.InCombatTimer to the time specified when the cause returns true TimeSince(KitanoiSettings.InCombatTimer) --------------------------------------------------------------- ====Custom GUI==== {{:kitanoi:kdfcg.png?nolink|}} customgui = [[ GUI:Text('Testing The Custom GUI') if (test1==nil) then test1 = 1 end test1,changed = GUI:InputInt('##test1',test1) if (test2==nil) then test2 = 1 end test2, changed = GUI:RadioButton('Random 1##test21', test2,1) GUI:SameLine() test2, changed = GUI:RadioButton('Random 2##test22', test2,2) if (test3==nil) then test3 = "" end test3,changed = GUI:InputText("Search##test3",test3) if (test4i == nil) then test4i = 1 end test4c = {"none","one","two","three"} test4i, changed = GUI:Combo("", test4i, test4c) GUI:Button("Some Button") ]], Showing dungeons from your code inside of KDF: [[https://wiki.mmominion.com/doku.php?id=kdf_3rd_party]] --------------------------------------------------------------- ====Requests for functions==== As of May 2021 - new options have been added that allow you to write your own functions in lua and call it in dungeon framework. If there are needs for general functions I will look to add them. But any bespoke functions are for the user to create. Any requests for functions will need at minimum the following information: (This information is used to see the mechanic you need handling, but will be still be adhearing to the first point made above.) Dungeon Name Boss Name Action Name Expectations / How to handle it --------------------------------------------------------------- ====Support==== https://discord.gg/FdFaTuj Discord