Table of Contents


This AddOn is a lua based AddOn and offers a tool to monitor and control multiple bots.

With MultiBot, all other bot instances can be controlled and monitored from a master instance. It is important that the information of the other instances is available to the master instance. If all instances are running on the same PC, for example with Launch Buddy, there is nothing else to set up.

If some instances are running on other devices or VMs, the folder C:\MINIONAPP\Bots\GW2Minion64\LuaMods\DopeEx_MultiBot\sync has to be synchronized between these devices/VMs and the device the master instance is running on. Any program can be used to automatically synchronize folders and files between other devices when they change.

If you have questions feel free to join my discord and contact me that way.discord.

Important: The price may change over time with the implementation of new features!


Planned Features

Remote Control

In the first section of the remote control you can change settings like bot start/stop, bot mode and map for all bots at the same time. After that there is always a section for every single bot instance where some status information about the bot instance is displayed (character, level, life status, movement status, bot status, bot mode, map). The dropdowns always show the status of the instance, but you can also use them to change the corresponding settings.

General Settings

Remote Settings

Sync Settings

During synchronization the settings of the master instance are always transferred to all slave instances. The Toolbox options are only available if DopeEx_ToolBox is installed.

