Table of Contents


This AddOn is a lua based AddOn and provides a set of tools to improve your botting experience and will drastically improve the content I share on my discord and in the minion forums.

Important: The price may change over time with the implementation of new features!


But I can see Map Comp Helper and FollowCommander in the screens but those are not shown or listed! Well for those please check this site

Settings for Gathering Tools

Priority #1 / #2 / #3

The tool tool with Priority #1 will be used first, #2 only when #1 is not avaible, #3 only when #1 and #2 are not avaible.

Settings for Ress Angel usage

Settings to set the situations when and how the bot handle deaths.

Bot Mode - RessAngel

Independet Management of TP and resurrection for multiple botmodes.

Settings for Candy Corn Gobbler usage

Bot Modes