Table of Contents

The Bot operates ontop of a so called Navigation Mesh. This is a surface generated from many Triangles which present the input mesh data. In order to build a navigation mesh, the triangle mesh has to be recorded.

Under C:\Minionapp\Bots\xxxx\Navigation\ you'll find all navigation meshes.
.obj - “mesh input data” aka the yellow mesh
.nx2 - the built navmesh (from the input data) aka the purple-ish mesh
.omc - offmesh connections, allow travelling from floor mesh to another not-connected floor mesh (jumping, interacting etc.)
.cub - cubes for flying & under water navigation
.cpc - cube-floor-connections, to allow travelling from cubes to the floor and the other way around
.mmn - macro mesh nodes
.mmp - precomputed navigation paths between macro mesh nodes
By default, the .obj files are 0 bytes. This data is only needed for people modifying the meshes. To not forcing everyone to download several GB of not needed data, these files are empty. If you want to edit an official navigation mesh file, you'll need to be given access to the original .obj file and have to replace the one in your local folder. Then you can edit the navigation mesh.

1. Creating a Navigation Mesh

2. Flying / Diving - Cube Mesh Recording * THIS HAS CHANGED A BIT SINCE 15.6.2017...tutorial needs update

3. Cube-Floor-Connections

Cube-Floor-Connections are by default automatically placed when Cubes are recorded. The MeshManager allows you to manually place additional connections, so your bot can goto smaller unconnected areas like on the left down side of this screenshot. Without these connections, the bot cannot travell from the Floor to the Cubes or the other way around. You need to make sure that the Floor-End of the connection is actually on the navigation mesh and that the Cube-end of the connection is inside a cube.

4. Macro Mesh

For very long distances and to quickly check if a point can be reached by navigation without freezing the game ;), a new MacroMesh was put into the bot. This is automatically used when the bot asks for a Path to a goal which is beyond a certain distance threshold.