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70-80 All Classes Pack.

This is not a main story quest pack

This Pack does not contain Heavensward or Realm Reborn Nodes

Currently only contains gathering classes leveling tasks.
Working on combat and fisher now.

Thank you for your patience.

Contains Botany and Miner 1-80
Caster role skills 70-74
Fisher is included but does not buy bait yet.

This Pack WILL include

Quests for levels 60 - 80 for Dancer and Gunbreaker
Quests for levels 70 - 80 for Bard, Blackmage, Dragoon, Monk, Ninja, Paladin, Scholar, Summoner, Warrior,Whitemage, Machinist, DarkKnight, Astrologian, Samurai and Redmage.
Quests for levels 70 - 80 for Botanist, Miner and Fisher.

To unlock the 1-80 pack selection you must have

1-60 and the 60-70 and 70-80 Packs INSTALLED.


1-70 and 70-80 Packs INSTALLED.

This will allow 1-80 Unlocked packs to be Used.

70-80_all_class_quest.1562487710.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/07 08:21 by sebbs