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This addon requires TensorCore! Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

For optimal performance, you must set your pulse rate to 50ms or lower. As such, this addon, by default, will set your pulse rate to 50. You can disable this in RikuGNB > Options > High Performance Mode. You also need to have less than 100 ping if you want high parses.

RikuGNB is an extremely optimized PvE Gunbreaker Shadowbringers combat routine that is highly customizable and intended for high-level play. It is the best ACR on the market. With optimal gear, it is effortless to parse and rank in the top 30. My testers even reached rank 1 with this ACR and with minimal interaction.

RikuGNB also features an innovative hotbar that will allow you to control the acr exactly how you want to. You press the button; it uses the skill. Knockback coming in? Press the arm's length button, and you will be good to go. RikuGNB will weave the ability as soon as possible without interrupting your rotation, all at the click of a button. No more spamming the ability and fighting with the ACR. It just works.

Some more notable features to RikuGNB:

  • Tankbar to help with using defensives
  • 100% optimized rotation
  • Tank Swap bar for making tank swaps very simple
  • Automatically picks up aggro using TH/Provoke for general botting content

Please join this discord for any support or issues you might have:


User Interface

Let's start with the main options window

High Performance Mode - Removes the 50ms pulse limit. If this option is on, the pulse rate can never go higher than 50 (it can still be set lower). If this option is off, then the pulse can go higher than 150. For optimal performance, leave this toggle on; otherwise, you will get small rotation issues due to things getting detected too late and missing cooldown windows!

You can right-click on individual options here to reset them to default. You can also right-click on the options tab itself to reset everything in the tab to default. The same can be done for QT Settings and Hotbar settings. With qt/hotbar settings, you can also restore the default position if you change resolutions and toggles go off-screen.

Here are all the toggles that you will be most frequently interacting with:

The icons are your Hotbar.

The green/red toggles are your normal Quick Toggles or QT for short.

Quick Toggles

Quick Toggles are buttons that you can quickly toggle options on/off with. All of these can be fully customized, including hotkeyed.

CD - Toggles usage of No Mercy, Sonic Break, and Bow Shock. In other words, it will toggle your 60s No Mercy window on/off.

AoE - Toggling this off will only do the Single Target rotation even if there are multiple mobs in front of you. Useful for invuln add phases and focusing single adds down.

Smart AOE - Uses pixel-perfect aoe calculation to determine the optimal target to use AOE on, such that it will hit the most mobs.

Rush NM - When this toggle is off, the ACR will hold your No Mercy window and drift it up to 3 GCDs to fit an extra burst strike. This adds up to 2 extra Burst Strikes inside your NM window by 3 minutes, which is a substantial gain. However, in some fights, you will need to use No Mercy on cooldown ASAP, so turning this option on will ignore that optimization and use everything ASAP.

Burn - Normally, RikuGNB will delay No Mercy to align better (also toggleable separately by Rush NM, see above), hold Rough Divide for your NM Window, and will hold gauge until your NM Window. Turning on burn will bypass all of this and will dump everything immediately. This toggle is useful for when the boss is dying. Note: This toggle will still respect your other toggle states. For example, if you have Burn on but Jumps off, it will use NM ASAP and dump your gauge, but will not use any jumps. Conversely, if you have Hold Gauge on and CD off, it will only dump Rough Divide. However, it's recommended for the latter use case to use the hotbar instead and dump manually, as you may still want to go into your gnashing fang combo.

Hold 1 Jump - This toggle will prevent the normal dumping of Rough Divide during your NM window and will instead keep 1 stack at minimum. This toggle is handy for progging new fights. Note: This is not really a significant DPS loss, as you don't actually lose any usages of Rough Divide, just that you miss out on the 20% damage bonus by dumping it during NM. Turning on Burn will also bypass this toggle!

Hold Gauge - Will prevent any gauge usage when enabled, including your Gnashing Fang combo.

Dump Gauge - Turning this on will immediately dump any gauge, regardless of No Mercy being up.

Auto Stance - Turning this on will force tank stance in MT and force it off in OT. I recommend keeping this off for raiding and on for general botting content. The reason is that sometimes you may wish to tank stance in OT during raid to get 2nd aggro, and you don't want to fight the bot for stance. This way, you can change your stance manually with the hotbar. When you swap with the tank stance from MT to OT, it will automatically recognize that you already have tank stance and only provoke. Works the same way for dropping stance while in MT.

Auto Voke/LS - Keep this off for raiding, mostly for general dungeon botting etc. It will automatically provoke or use Lightning Shot on any mob in range and in combat that's not aggroed to you. If Lightning Shot toggle is turned off, it will only use provoke.

MT/OT - This is the tank swap button. I recommend keybinding it. When you press it, if going from MT → OT, it will auto drop stance and shirk second aggro tank (not second aggro itself, but the second aggro tank specifically). Going from OT → MT will gain stance and provoke automatically. You can right-click this toggle to change stance without executing swap actions!

Additionally, everything about the qt toggles can be customized as shown (the options are pretty self-explanatory)


Hotbar is pretty straightforward. You press the button; it'll light up to show that it's enabled and disables itself once the acr casts the ability. It's a replacement for casting abilities manually and fighting the ACR. Press the button once, and the ACR will use that ability ASAP without messing up the rotation. As a high-level raider, I find these much more useful than the typical automated reactions system.

Hotbar will also show the cooldown of the ability, so you don't need to look at your actual ffxiv hotbar for the cooldown.

HoS Mouse/Aurora - These will go on your current hover target; it works like a <mo> macro but uses the ACR to cast the ability, so it doesn't have the problems of a macro. If you have no target, it will go on self.

As with quick toggles, everything about the hotbars can be extensively customized.

Setting Up

First, make sure you have TensorCore installed from the Minion store.

Next, make sure you select RikuGNB in the ACR dropdown.

And you're done! Now go ahead and customize to your liking and enjoy.

rikugnb.1605490851.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/16 01:40 by rikudou