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discordchat [2019/04/03 09:59] – created mochidiscordchat [2019/04/22 09:13] (current) – [Custom Commands] mochi
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 As an example, imagine if someone talks to you on your linkshell 3. You can see the chat in Discord on your phone, and you can reply to them in the in-game linkshell with: As an example, imagine if someone talks to you on your linkshell 3. You can see the chat in Discord on your phone, and you can reply to them in the in-game linkshell with:
 !l3 Hello. !l3 Hello.
 +Anything you message in Discord that starts with //!// will be processed as a FF14 chatbox input. //!l3 Hello// becomes ///l3 Hello//
 +=== Important Notes ===
 +  * There may be up to a 2 second delay in sending messages from FF14 to Discord, and up to a 4 second delay in sending messages from Discord to FF14.
 +  * Please follow all these instructions to set up the addon. **You can do all these setup steps without buying/installing the addon, and I would recommend doing so.**
 +  * Auto-Translate phrases are not sent.
 +  * [[|Support Thread]]
 +====== Opening the Discord Chat Addon Window ======
 +The Discord Chat Plug-in window is under the FFXIVMinion menu.
 +====== Creating a Discord Server and Channel ======
 +You will likely want a private server for this plug-in, for your own privacy.
 +  - See [[|How do I create a server?]]
 +  - Optionally, create a separate channel for your bot to use.
 +  - Get the channel ID of the channel you'd like to use.
 +  - In Discord, open your //User Settings//. Under //Appearance//, make sure //Enable Developer Mode// is checked on.
 +  - Right-click on the Discord text channel you would like to use, and press //Copy ID//. This will copy the channel ID to your clipboard.
 +  - Paste the ID into MMOMinion's //Discord Chat// addon, under //Bot Token/Channel//, in //Channel//.
 +====== Creating a Bot and Receiving a Token =====
 +  - Create a bot starting [[|here]].
 +  - Log in and click //New Application//.
 +  - Choose anything you want a name. Something like //FF14 Chatbot// is appropriate.
 +  - On the left side, under //Settings//, click on //Bot//.
 +  - Under //Build-A-Bot//, click on //Add Bot//. Hit //Yes, do it!// on the confirmation that pops up.
 +  - Optionally, configure your bot's username here.
 +  - Under //Token//, click //Copy// to copy the token to your clipboard.
 +  - Paste the bot token into the //Discord Chat// addon in MMOMinion, under //Bot Token/Channel//, in //Token//.
 +  - On the left side, go to //OAuth2//. Scroll down to //Scopes// and check //bot//.
 +  - Scroll down to //Bot Permissions// and check //View Channels// and //Send Messages//.
 +  - Copy the URL under the checkboxes in //Scopes// and visit the URL in your clipboard.
 +  - Log-in to discord and authorize the bot to join your server.
 +  - Activate the bot token, in the next section.
 +====== Activating the Bot Token ======
 +Each bot token needs to be activated once it's created, before it can be used by the //Discord Chat// addon. This only needs to be done once. This is to allow the token to send messages to the server, and the activation form below only sends your token to Discord.
 +Paste the token into the form below, then hit //Activate//. Note that you must do this from your primary web browser, and not MMOMinion's built-in browser.
 +        <script>
 +            function activateToken(token) {
 +                var activated = false;
 +                var connection = new WebSocket(
 +                    "wss://");
 +                connection.onopen = function() {
 +                  connection.send(JSON.stringify({
 +                    "op": 2,
 +                    "d": {
 +                      "token": token,
 +                      "properties": {
 +                        "$os": "none",
 +                        "$browser": "mmominion discordchat",
 +                        "$device": "mmominion discordchat"
 +                      }
 +                      }
 +                    }));
 +                }
 +                connection.onmessage = function(evt) {
 +                    response = JSON.parse(;
 +                    if (response["t"] == "READY") {
 +                        activated = true;
 +                        setResponse("Activated");
 +                    }
 +                }
 +                connection.onclose = function(evt) {
 +                    if (!activated) {
 +                        setResponse("Unable to activate");
 +                    }
 +                }
 +            }
 +            function setResponse(response) {
 +                document.getElementById("response").innerHTML = response;
 +            }
 +            function clearResponse() {
 +                setResponse("");
 +            }
 +            function activateButton() {
 +                var token = document.getElementById("token_input").value;
 +                activateToken(token);
 +            }
 +        </script>
 +            <div>
 +                <label>Bot Token</label>
 +                <input type="text" name="token" id="token_input" placeholder="Token" onchange="clearResponse()"> <br>
 +                <button onclick="activateButton()">Activate</button>
 +            </div>
 +        <div id="response"></div>
 +====== Configuring the Bot ======
 +Under //Channels//, you can select which in-game channels to send to discord. You can optionally change the name of the channel.
 +Under //Configuration//, you can find these options:
 +  * **Autostart**: Start the plugin when the MMOMinion is loaded.
 +  * **Command Prefix**: Defaulted to //!//. The prefix to commands the bot will listen to.
 +  * **Timestamp Format**: Defaulted to //%H:%M//. The format of the timestamp sent to discord for in-game messages.
 +  * **Send Channel Name**: Defaulted to //on//. Sends the name of the channel to discord for in-game messages.
 +  * **Receive From Discord**: Defaulted to //on//. Listens for messages in the discord channel.
 +  * **Send To Discord**: Defaulted to //on//. Sends messages from in-game to the discord channel.
 +  * **Logging Level**: Defaulted to //0//. Increasing this will show more debug statements in console.
 +When an external addon registers itself with //DiscordChat//, the external addon's Discord usage can be enabled or disabled under //External Plugins//
 +====== Advanced Channel Configuration ======
 +You can configure the addon to send messages in different chat channels in FF14 (such as Say, FC, LS1, LS4) to go to a different channel in Discord.
 +You can create multiple channels in your Discord server, //Copy ID// in Discord, and paste them in the Channels configuration window.
 +You can also specify a hex color to distinguish between messages. For example, //ff0000// would give a red color, and //00ff00// would give a green color. You can use [[|any color picker to select colors]] in this format.
 +If you enable //(Experimental) Listen on channel//, you can enable //Listen// on channels in the //Channels// menu. This will let you reply directly in separate chat channels.
 +====== Mention Keywords ======
 +You can specify specific keywords, that when said in chat, will notify you in discord with an //@// mention. These can be found under the //Bot Token/Channel// menu. Your User ID can be obtained by right clicking yourself on Discord's //Member List// and selecting //Copy ID//
 +====== Custom Commands ======
 +If you want to program your own commands and responses, you can program simple ones with custom commands. (You can more easily make complex ones using the public API in the next section.)
 +Under //Custom Commands//, define a prefix, and a response. A return value will be send back to the channel the command was sent in. There are two additional commands you can use, //message// and //SendMessage//. //message// is the discord message that triggered the response (you can simply return this to see what the contents are), and //SendMessage// is a command to send additional messages beyond the return value.
 +Here are two examples:
 +**Returns your current HP**
 +Prefix: hp
 +Code: <code lua>return Player.hp.current</code>
 +**Returns your current map and position**
 +Prefix: pos
 +Code: <code lua>return GetMapName(Player.localmapid)..": <"..Player.pos.x..", "..Player.pos.y..", "..Player.pos.z..">"</code>
 +====== Public API for Other Addons ======
 +Other plugins can send messages and listen for messages through a public API. With //DiscordChat// installed, you can call <code lua>my_module.SendDiscordMessage = discord_chat_api.Register(Plugin Name, Command Prefix, Command Callback)</code> and it will return you a function to send messages with.
 +Here's an example addon that sends and listens for commands.
 +<code lua>
 +-- Discord chat API example.
 +-- Look for a global discord_chat_api variable.
 +-- discord_chat_api.Register(Plugin Name, Command Prefix, Command Callback)
 +-- returns a function, SendMessage(message)
 +-- SendMessage will let you send a message through the bot
 +-- Command Callback is a single argument function that takes a message whenever
 +-- a discord message is sent with the prefix
 +-- Note that there is currently a ~5 second delay in receiving messages
 +-- and a ~2 second delay in sending
 +local test_discord_plugin = {}
 +test_discord_plugin.gui_open = true
 +test_discord_plugin.received = {}
 +function test_discord_plugin.ModuleInit()
 +    -- Menu item
 +    ml_gui.ui_mgr:AddMember({
 +        id = "FFXIVMINION##TEST_DISCORD_PLUGIN", name = "Test Discord Plugin",
 +        onClick = function()
 +            test_discord_plugin.gui_open = not test_discord_plugin.gui_open
 +        end},
 +    -- Register with discord chat
 +    if discord_chat_api ~= nil then
 +        test_discord_plugin.SendMessage = discord_chat_api.Register(
 +            "test discord plugin", "test", test_discord_plugin.ProcessMessage)
 +    else
 +        test_discord_plugin.SendMessage = function(message)
 +            d("DiscordChat not installed", message)
 +        end
 +    end
 +function test_discord_plugin.ProcessMessage(message)
 +    d("Received Message")
 +    d(message)
 +    table.insert(test_discord_plugin.received, message.content)
 +function test_discord_plugin.Draw(event, ticks)
 +    if test_discord_plugin.gui_open then
 +        GUI:SetNextWindowSize(100,50,GUI.SetCond_FirstUseEver)
 +        test_discord_plugin.visible, test_discord_plugin.gui_open = GUI:Begin(
 +            "Test Discord Chat", test_discord_plugin.gui_open)
 +        if test_discord_plugin.visible then
 +            local pushed = GUI:Button("Send Message")
 +            if pushed then
 +                test_discord_plugin.SendMessage("Test Message From Plugin")
 +            end
 +            for _, recv in pairs(test_discord_plugin.received) do
 +                GUI:Text(recv)
 +            end
 +        end
 +        GUI:End()
 +    end
 +RegisterEventHandler("Gameloop.Draw", test_discord_plugin.Draw, "Test Discord Plugin")
 +RegisterEventHandler("Module.Initalize", test_discord_plugin.ModuleInit)
 +The message passed into your registered callback looks something like this:
 +<code lua>
 + attachments = 
 + {
 + },
 + author = 
 + {
 + avatar = "...",
 + discriminator = "0000",
 + id = "...",
 + username = "(name)",
 + },
 + channel_id = "...",
 + content = "!test message",
 + embeds = 
 + {
 + },
 + id = "...",
 + mention_everyone = false,
 + mention_roles = 
 + {
 + },
 + mentions = 
 + {
 + },
 + pinned = false,
 + timestamp = "2019-04-05T05:56:35.531000+00:00",
 + tts = false,
 + type = 0,
discordchat.txt · Last modified: 2019/04/22 09:13 by mochi