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a_golden_opportunity_helper [2024/03/16 17:22] – [Blizzard III Mechanic] mistahmikeya_golden_opportunity_helper [2024/09/07 05:37] (current) – [Blast + 24-carat Swing + Golden Cross + Golden Beam Mechanic] mistahmikey
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   * Automatically casts the spells you will need in Act 2 to obtain the All That Glitters achievement.   * Automatically casts the spells you will need in Act 2 to obtain the All That Glitters achievement.
   * Automatically casts Diamondback when the 4 marionettes cast Golden Beam   * Automatically casts Diamondback when the 4 marionettes cast Golden Beam
-  * Automatically buffs you with Mighty Guard when Goldor casts Aero III in Act 1 and Rush in Act 2, and automatically cancels it afterwards.+  * Automatically buffs you with Mighty Guard when Goldor casts Rush in Act 2, and automatically cancels it afterwards.
   * Provides optional speed and view enhancements that allow you to move quickly and zoom farther out so you can more easily deal with game mechanics and without affecting your ability to obtain the All That Glitters achievement.   * Provides optional speed and view enhancements that allow you to move quickly and zoom farther out so you can more easily deal with game mechanics and without affecting your ability to obtain the All That Glitters achievement.
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  * Goblin Punch or Sharpened Knife (melee spell)  * Goblin Punch or Sharpened Knife (melee spell)
  * Whistle  * Whistle
 + * Tingle
  * Triple Trident  * Triple Trident
  * Surpanakha  * Surpanakha
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 | Enabled* | When checked, AGOH will cast spells for you when you are in the arena.| | Enabled* | When checked, AGOH will cast spells for you when you are in the arena.|
 +| Travel to Celestium Attendant | When clicked, AGOH will transport you to the Celestium Attendant in Ul'dah. AGOH does not need to be enabled for the transport to occur.|
 | Reset | Resets all settings to their default initial values. You can use this to abort certain operations you've started if you can catch it in time. If you have a current profile set, and Load Current Profile After Reset (Profile Tab) is enabled, then your saved profile values will be loaded.  The Reset button will disappear while the reset is in progress, and will reappear when it completes. | | Reset | Resets all settings to their default initial values. You can use this to abort certain operations you've started if you can catch it in time. If you have a current profile set, and Load Current Profile After Reset (Profile Tab) is enabled, then your saved profile values will be loaded.  The Reset button will disappear while the reset is in progress, and will reappear when it completes. |
 | Discord Icon | Takes you to the AGOH Discord channel if you need support.  Be advised I am in the Eastern Time zone (UTC-05:00). | | Discord Icon | Takes you to the AGOH Discord channel if you need support.  Be advised I am in the Eastern Time zone (UTC-05:00). |
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 ===== Blizzard III Mechanic ===== ===== Blizzard III Mechanic =====
-Whenever Goldor casts Blizzard III, AGOH will smack him with a Flying Sardine, then follow that with a high damage sequence:  Whistle, Triple Trident, and Surpanakha. You must remain still during the high damage sequence to avoid interrupting it. This mechanic occurs periodically in both Act 1 and Act 2, and is zero stress.+Whenever Goldor casts Blizzard III, AGOH will smack him with a Flying Sardine, then follow that with a high damage sequence:  Whistle, Tingle, Triple Trident, and Surpanakha. You must remain still during the high damage sequence to avoid interrupting it. This mechanic occurs periodically in both Act 1 and Act 2, and is zero stress.
 The first time this occurs in Act 1, Goldor will subsequently begin channeling Fire III - remain in the AOE circle until you see the last Surpanakha cast, which is well within the time you need to get out.  Then, run around the perimeter of the arena until Goldor is done with follow-up casts and starts to walk towards you.  Remain at the perimeter of the Arena and engage Goldor for a few melee hits in preparation for the Slimy Summon Mechanic. The first time this occurs in Act 1, Goldor will subsequently begin channeling Fire III - remain in the AOE circle until you see the last Surpanakha cast, which is well within the time you need to get out.  Then, run around the perimeter of the arena until Goldor is done with follow-up casts and starts to walk towards you.  Remain at the perimeter of the Arena and engage Goldor for a few melee hits in preparation for the Slimy Summon Mechanic.
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 ===== Fire Mechanic ===== ===== Fire Mechanic =====
-Goldor moves to the center of the arena to cast Fire, which is the most dicey situation you will encounter in Act 1 and Act 2, and how you move is key to being able to survive it.  This spawns 8 Ball of Fire (BOF) mobs that AGOH will automatically kill to create a safe area you can get blown into when Goldor subsequently casts Aero III.  The goal is for 2 adjacent BOFs behind Goldor to be killed, but the ones selected may wind up being a bit lateral at times.  AGOH initially casts Feather Rain which typically affects 3 BOFs, after which AGOH will select the one with the lowest health to finish off with Sonic Boom, then will kill one adjacent to it with Sonic Boom,  thereby creating a nice wide safe area. However, depending on how you must move to avoid subsequent Goldor spells that he casts while the BOFs are up may occasionally result in only one BOF being killed due to spell cast interrupts. The key here is to remain calm and only move if absolutely necessary while the BOFs are being killed and to ensure you see which BOFs are killed, because that is where you must plan to point yourself when Goldor casts Aero III. The first time Goldor casts Fire, he will follow that up with a Blast you must avoid, so very minimal movement is required and two BOFs should easily get killed.  But all subsequent Fire casts will be followed by a Thunder III, which is when the fun begins, because not only will you receive an Electrocution debuff, a volley of circular AOEs will randomly appear on the floor that you must dodge.  Sometimes it's easy, sometimes they will spawn in a way that blocks you from easily getting pointed at the safe spot when Aero III is cast.  As a hedge to help you survive if you get hit by one of the Thunder III AOEs as you try to position to point yourself at the safe spot, AGOH will cast Mighty Guard on you, and will automatically cancel it after 10 seconds+Goldor moves to the center of the arena to cast Fire, which is the most dicey situation you will encounter in Act 1 and Act 2, and how you move is key to being able to survive it.  This spawns 8 Ball of Fire (BOF) mobs that AGOH will automatically kill to create a safe area you can get blown into when Goldor subsequently casts Aero III.  The goal is for 2 adjacent BOFs behind Goldor to be killed, but the ones selected may wind up being a bit lateral at times.  AGOH initially casts Feather Rain which typically affects 3 BOFs, after which AGOH will select the one with the lowest health to finish off with Sonic Boom, then will kill one with the lowest health adjacent to it with Sonic Boom,  thereby creating a nice wide safe area. However, depending on how you must move to avoid subsequent Goldor spells that he casts while the BOFs are up may occasionally result in only one BOF being killed due to spell cast interrupts. The key here is to remain calm and only move if absolutely necessary while the BOFs are being killed and to ensure you see which BOFs are killed, because that is where you must plan to point yourself when Goldor casts Aero III. The first time Goldor casts Fire, he will follow that up with a Blast you must avoid, so very minimal movement is required and two BOFs should easily get killed.  But all subsequent Fire casts will be followed by a Thunder III, which is when the fun begins, because not only will you receive an Electrocution debuff, a volley of circular AOEs will randomly appear on the floor that you must dodge.  Sometimes it's easy, sometimes they will spawn in a way that blocks you from easily getting pointed at the safe spot when Aero III is cast.
 This mechanic is quite hectic and will likely take you some time to get comfortable with, so don't be surprised if it gets you once in a while. When the BOFs start channeling their Burn spell, you should see the safe area that was created at the arena perimeter by the previous BOF kills, which is typically nice and wide if 2 BOFs were killed, but can be very small if only one was.  As best you can given that AOEs might make standing in the optimum spot impossible, position yourself close to where Goldor is standing inside the ring of BOFs and facing directly at the safe spot.  You can be a little sloppy with this positioning as long as where you wind up is close to the safe spot, as you will have a split second to move yourself into it if you are just outside of it. Then when Aero III culminates, it should blow you in a way that allows you to get into the safe spot and avoid getting wiped.  Once that occurs, AGOH will remove your Electrocution debuff and heal you as necessary. This mechanic is quite hectic and will likely take you some time to get comfortable with, so don't be surprised if it gets you once in a while. When the BOFs start channeling their Burn spell, you should see the safe area that was created at the arena perimeter by the previous BOF kills, which is typically nice and wide if 2 BOFs were killed, but can be very small if only one was.  As best you can given that AOEs might make standing in the optimum spot impossible, position yourself close to where Goldor is standing inside the ring of BOFs and facing directly at the safe spot.  You can be a little sloppy with this positioning as long as where you wind up is close to the safe spot, as you will have a split second to move yourself into it if you are just outside of it. Then when Aero III culminates, it should blow you in a way that allows you to get into the safe spot and avoid getting wiped.  Once that occurs, AGOH will remove your Electrocution debuff and heal you as necessary.
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 ===== Quake + Golden Beam Mechanic ===== ===== Quake + Golden Beam Mechanic =====
-Goldor will again cast Shining Summon, this time to spawn 4 Gilded Marionettes, after which he will cast Quake.  You will need to position yourself just outside the edge of the resulting Quake circle AOE halfway between any two of the Gilded Marionettes in preparation for moving into a small survival area just a bit forward from there.  The 4 Marionettes will the being casting Golden Beam, which results in an intersecting pattern of wedge AOEs.  When that pattern appears, you must immediately bump yourself forward into the small area just inside the AOE circle but before the lines resulting from the intersecting wedge AOES.  It is a VERY small area, but it is crucial to being able to survive the ensuing massive damage that is created by the overlap of Quake and Golden Beam. You must do this quickly, because AGOH will cast Diamondback on you a little less than a second after the Golden Beams are cast. To make it easier to see the survival area, you can zoom way out and take an overhead view of the arena. If you are properly in the survival area when you get the Diamondback effect, you will not die, but if you aren't, you will.+Goldor will again cast Shining Summon, this time to spawn 4 Gilded Marionettes, after which he will cast Quake.  You will need to position yourself just outside the edge of the resulting Quake circle AOE halfway between any two of the Gilded Marionettes in preparation for moving into a small survival area just a bit forward from there.  The 4 Marionettes will then being casting Golden Beam, which results in an intersecting pattern of wedge AOEs.  When that pattern appears, you must immediately bump yourself forward into the small area just inside the AOE circle but before the lines resulting from the intersecting wedge AOES.  It is a VERY small area, but it is crucial to being able to survive the ensuing massive damage that is created by the overlap of Quake and Golden Beam. You must do this quickly, because AGOH will cast Diamondback on you a little less than a second after the Golden Beams are cast. To make it easier to see the survival area, you can zoom way out and take an overhead view of the arena. If you are properly in the survival area when you get the Diamondback effect, you will not die, but if you aren't, you will.
 This mechanic only occurs once in Act 2.  It is moderate stress, but once you become familiar with the visual of where that survival area is, it's not too hard to reliably position within it. This mechanic only occurs once in Act 2.  It is moderate stress, but once you become familiar with the visual of where that survival area is, it's not too hard to reliably position within it.
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 ===== Blast + 24-carat Swing + Golden Cross + Golden Beam Mechanic ===== ===== Blast + 24-carat Swing + Golden Cross + Golden Beam Mechanic =====
-Goldor will now periodically cast Shining Summon to spawn 3 Gilded Golems, a Gilded Marionette, and a Gilded Cyclops.  When this happens, run behind the Gilded Marionette and wait for the Gilded Cyclops to cast 24-carat Swing - this will cause Goldor to walk towards you and cast Blast (occasionally, there might be an AOE behind the Marionette - if so, just avoid it at the perimiter then get behind when it dissipates.)  24-carat Swing wil cause you to be sucked back towards the center. When this happens, there should be a rectangular AOE from Blast that will be to one side of the Marionette, and your goal is to immediately run between the Marionette rectangular AOE all the way to the perimeter.  Then, when the checkerboard AOE pattern resulting from Golden Cross occurs, you should already be located in a safe square, but if initially you are not, just quickly bump yourself into it. Once the checkerboard pattern dissipates, run back up through the Blast AOE behind Goldor and get in a few melee smacks, then position yourself in the arena center.+Goldor will now periodically cast Shining Summon to spawn 3 Gilded Golems, a Gilded Marionette, and a Gilded Cyclops.  When this happens, run behind the Gilded Marionette and wait for the Gilded Cyclops to cast 24-carat Swing - this will cause Goldor to walk towards you and cast Blast (occasionally, there might be an AOE behind the Marionette - if so, just avoid it at the perimeter then get behind when it dissipates.)  24-carat Swing will cause you to be sucked back towards the center. When this happens, there should be a rectangular AOE from Blast that will be to one side of the Marionette, and your goal is to immediately run between the Marionette rectangular AOE all the way to the perimeter.  Then, when the checkerboard AOE pattern resulting from Golden Cross occurs, you should already be located in a safe square, but if initially you are not, just quickly bump yourself into it. Once the checkerboard pattern dissipates, run back up through the Blast AOE behind Goldor and get in a few melee smacks, then position yourself in the arena center.
 This mechanic periodically occurs only in Act 2.  Once you understand exactly where the checkerboard safe square is between the Gilded Marionetted and the Blast AOE, it is zero stress. This mechanic periodically occurs only in Act 2.  Once you understand exactly where the checkerboard safe square is between the Gilded Marionetted and the Blast AOE, it is zero stress.
a_golden_opportunity_helper.1710609733.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/03/16 17:22 by mistahmikey