====== AetheryteHelper - AH(mushroom tools) ====== **XIVLauncher(Dalamud) users\\ are not supported** PowerShell is used for some functions\\ Win11 users should configure PowerShell to start with admin privileges **__what is AH__**\\ this was originally an open source project\\ it's what i myself used to make and share what i wanted\\ this is not a bot, but multiple utility tools\\ at first, im created it just to facilitate "world visit", but as we responded to requests, i were able to do many different things\\ due to circumstances, it has become a store addon, but the concept remains unchanged\\ in other words, i will continue to make what i want\\ Requests are accepted and added if i want them\\ **and since it is a very selfish tool i am making for myself, i am offering it for free**\\ some features are alternatives to paid addons, but they are only simplified\\ in other words, it is like a toy box\\ there are tooltips in almost every area, and you will not be confused about how to use them\\ some of the languages are machine-translated, but i would like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped with the translation ===== What can do with AH ===== * Quickly World Visit * Quickly instance select * flag record * target me record * Materia Extract * use Spiritbond Potion(Materia Extract option) * use Spiritbond Manual(Materia Extract option) * Desynthesis(with filter) * Aetherial Reduction * Deliver(GC) * move to GC & Deliver * move to MarketBoard(limsa/gridania/uldah) * Remove materia from equipment in inventory * Exchange seals for items(trun in) * Jumbo cactpot assist * switching undersize for dungeon * switching Explorer for dungeon * Auto Start and End Call in Duty * Auto Commendation * Create User Buttons(Text Command/Click to Custom Function/onoff of Custom Function) * organize inventory, put together stackable items * HQ to NQ (only inventory) It will be executed as soon as you organize inventory * Assist to Decipher(G14) * AH Radar(drow line & dot) * PvPassist in Radar(show opponent's GUARD recast time & MP bars\Auto sprint\Auto Guard) * Sound notification feature in Radar(.wav files are not included, please download them from [[https://discord.com/channels/961235833124450374/971972883888873512/989119235286515753|my Discord]]) * drow job icon * search for items(Retainer/Saddlebag/FCchest) * Mouse Over Ability (Lite) * and more...\\ some functions can also be operated by text command ===== image ===== {{:ja:サンプル.png?800|AH image}} Support Discord\\ mushroom's Room\\ [[https://discord.gg/kCp95cpprd]]