===== About ===== Haru (Ninja) is a Rogue and Ninja combat routine that is flexible, easy-to-use, with excellent performance and failsafe mechanisms.\\ Requires Endwalker Upgrade Key for 6.x users (Effective 12/31/21). ===== Interface ===== === General === {{https://i.imgur.com/yiO618j.png |}} *''Show Quick Toggle'' * Toggles the Quick Toggle window (discussed below) on/off. *''Huton - Out of Combat'' * Enables Huton buff to be applied while out of combat. *''Main Buff'' * Switch between Kiss of the Wasp or Kiss of the Viper. * ''Main Jutsu'' * Select which style of single-target jutsu usage to use. * ''AOE Tactic'' * Select which style of aoe jutsu usage to use. * ''Stun Tactic'' * Choose when to use Jugulate. Off, Always, or comma-separated Whitelist (in Lists section). * ''CD/Buff Tactic (PVE)'' * Select when to use cooldowns and abilities in PVE. * ''CD/Buff Tactic (PVP)'' * Select when to use cooldowns and abilities in PVP. * ''Strong Targets'' * Set HP minimum and HP advantage over player maximum HP which determines a "Strong Target". If either one of these numbers is met, the target will be considered Strong. * ''AOE'' * Turn off/on AOE (shares a variable with Quick Toggle). * Set the minimum number of mobs required to use AOE jutsus and Death Blossom. === Reactions === {{https://i.imgur.com/Afp6UfT.png |}} * ''Add Status'' * Search for a status by partial or complete name. * Search for a status by ID (complete ID only). * Click the button to add the desired spell to the whitelist. * ''Whitelist'' * This section will only exist once some spells have been added to the whitelist. A default set of spells has been added for your convenience. * Spells can be individually enabled. * Use the "-" button to remove the spell. === Advanced === {{https://i.imgur.com/WO8wK3A.png |}}{{https://i.imgur.com/HfDi4QT.png|}} \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ * ''Instance (Tier 1)'' * First-level check for in-instance situations. * ''Instance (Tier 2)'' * Second-level check for in-instance situations. * ''Non-Instance'' * Check for non-instance situations. * ''Target HP % >='' * Targets current HP %. * ''Target HP Advantage >='' * Comparison of target HP max to Player HP max, used as a strength gauge. * Ex: Target HP max of 500, Player HP max of 250, advantage would be 2 (500 / 250) rounded down. **BOTH CONDITIONS MUST BE SATISFIED** === Party Click === {{https://i.imgur.com/oSUIHRk.png |}} Here you can setup the mouse-click combinations that will fire certain abilities when you click on the ACR Party Interface. === Hotkeys === {{https://i.imgur.com/xu2AdKe.png |}} Here you can setup various hotkeys to toggle some Quick Toggle variables on/off. === QT Custom === {{https://i.imgur.com/N9yAgFF.png |}} Here you can configure the layout of the Quick Toggle menu. ===== Quick Toggle ===== {{https://i.imgur.com/sEOhLOE.png}} ===== Issues ===== **Issues/requests should be submitted via:** \\ \\ Discord @ https://discord.gg/0fQJTii7QweA0vBo in the #acr-general channel or via direct message. \\ Haru thread in the FFXIVMINION > Store Addons forum section. //(Slower responses)//