====== JadkayCore ====== This addon is requiered to use some **MCR** jobs :\\ **Astrologian**, **Sage**, **Scholar**, **Warrior** and **White mage** ====== MCR Astrologian ====== MCR Astrologian is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion). Features : * Drawing and playing cards on appropriate jobs * Weaving skills properly on Malefic, Fall Malefic, Gravity and Combust * Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used * Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation * Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle ====== MCR Scholar ====== This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store. MCR Scholar is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion). Features : * Weaving skills properly on Ruin, Broil, Art of War and Bio * Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used * Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation * Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle ====== MCR Sage ====== This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store. MCR Sage is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion). Features : * Weaving skills properly on Dosis, Eukrasian Dosis, Toxicon and Dyskrasia * Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used * Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation * Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle ====== MCR White Mage ====== This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store. MCR White Mage is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion). Features : * Weaving skills properly on Stone, Glare, Aero, Dia and Holy * Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used * Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation * Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle ====== MCR Warrior ====== This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store. MCR Warrior is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion). Features : * Weaving skills properly on weapons skills * Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used * Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation * Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle ====== Reporting Guide ====== Support on Madao Discord : https://discord.gg/UsGNaDq \\ To receive proper support, I'm asking you to make a proper report please.\\ I need a minimum of information to be able to resolve your issue :\\ * Your job * Your level * Do you have all skills unlocked for your level ? * What were you doing ? * What's not working ? * Did you update and reload ? * Did you try with Madao's add-ons only ? * Copy all and paste of the console (if you don't want it to be public DM it to me) * Screen with specific information : version, profile used, filter settings {{https://i.imgur.com/hQYmP6R.png |}}