Table of Contents


This page details the different kinds of markers available in FFXIVMinion. The MarkerManager is available from the Main Menu:

Gathering Markers

Please find a video below that goes into detail about setting up a Gathering marker.1)

Mining / Botany Markers

Marker Settings:

Fishing Markers

Marker Settings:

Grind Markers

Marker Settings:

Evac Markers

Evac marker intro sentence11).

Marker Settings:

Credit: Sebbs
2) , 8) , 9) , 12)
NOTE: A fully zoomed out minimap is roughly a 150 radius
Coalesca's Note: I normally use this field for setting a timeout. In my experience, it is how long FFXIVMinion will look for a node before trying the next Marker
4) , 5) , 6) , 7)
Documentation Note: Need list.
By default, FFXIVMinion will Grind any enemy meeting the Monster Level requirement
Documentation Note: Dafuq are these for?