Table of Contents


This addon requires SallyLib! Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

SallyRDM is an Endgame PvE ACR Profile for Red Mage. The combat routine is mainly intended for level 80 end game raiding. With the right gear, positioning, and awareness, you can achieve high performance. This addon does require some knowledge of how to play caster optimally to get the best results though. Addon comes with built in perfect-proc opener, skill bar, and hot bar that takes into account oGCD optimal weaving.



Orange Parse Notes: The ACR can definitely achieve orange parses. However, Red Mage is a highly party reliant class. Thus, orange parses depends on the following things in these order:

  1. BiS Gears.This gear relies heavily on optimized gears to achieve highest results
  2. Strong party comp to give raid buffs too (looking anywhere from a 1.5k rdps vs 2.2k rdps added for good team)
  3. Kill time: Simply put, if you didn't kill at burst window, your dps will be down the drain by a few hundred
  4. Luck: parses need luck with high crit to achieve best results. This can require farming/parsing some savages

Sample E2S XIVAnalysis

Set-up Guide

General Settings

From Top to bottom:

  1. Show Skill Bar: Shows the skill bar for quick selecting the Skills option
  2. Show Hot Bar: Shows the hotbar
  3. oGCD Delay: Normally a skill takes roughly ~700-750ms delay to cast. Increase this value if you are clipping. If you want to try to fit in more GCD or be more optimal, decrease this value to the bare minimum where you are not clipping.
  4. Movement Detection: Amount of time needed to detect movement for skills like reprise
  5. Manafication Mana Loss Allowed: Amount of white+black mana allowed to be lost when using manafication. For example 55 White and 55 Black with manafication nets 110 total mana. This would be 10 mana lost in the process. Set it to 10 to allow this.

Skills Settings

From Top to bottom:

  1. Opener: Turn on when you are ready to perform opener. Press opener at 15 Second for count down. It will automatically use acceleration. Simply target the boss at 5 second and let the boss perform the perfect proc opener.
  2. Embolden: Turn on/off embolden
  3. Acceleration: Turn on/off acceleration
  4. Manafication: turn on/off maanfication
  5. Corps-a-corps: Turns on/off gap closer
  6. Displacement: Turns on/off displacement
  7. Dual cast Raise: Turn on to enable raising with dual cast proc
  8. Swift Cast Raise: Turn on to use swift cast for raising
  9. Delay Melee: This will try to use proc before entering melee combo to not lose mana/proc
  10. Use AOE: Use skills like impact for AOES
  11. Melee Combo: Enables/Disables going into melee
  12. Potion: Uses potion at optimal buff timing
  13. Use Reprise for movement: If you move pass the movement detection option, this will use reprise

The skill bar corresponds to the same settings above.

QT Settings

This menu is pretty simple. It will let you change if you show skill settings in the skill bar. Also you can adjust the position and index of the skill bar with this.

QT Customize

This page customizes the number of columns, spacing, color, etc for the skill bar.

Hotbar Settings

This menu is pretty simple. It will let you change if you show skill settings in the hotbar. Also you can adjust the position and index of the hotbar with this.

Hotbar Customize

This page customizes the number of columns, spacing, color, etc for the hotbar.