Skill Manager

The SkillManager allows you to freely create and customize the Skills the Bot should use.


Custom Condition Code Editor

context -- Lua table which is shared by all "editor windows", can also hold your custom functions and other data you defined and "saved" in the table.
context.casthistory -- A table that always holds basic data of the last 5 skills which were cast. Each entry holds: //.name, .skillid, .casttime, .targetid//
context.currentskills -- A list of your currently active skills on your skillbar. Holds the information from Player:GetSpellInfo(slot) and in additon to that, each entry has access to the skilldata, for example: //context.currentskills[1].skilldata// -- The target at which the SkillManager is casting the skills. You can overwrite this with your own target in any od the custom lua codeeditors.
context.cooldownlist -- A list of all spells currently on cooldown, including the ones not on your current set/skillbar
context.maxskillrange -- The maximum range of your current skills, without any additional check if the skill(s) can be used or not.
context.activeskillrange -- The maximum range of your current skills which you can use in that moment.