Table of Contents

FFXIVMinion Setup and Configuration

Use the links below to view configuration details for each bot mode:

Use the links below to view more information about advanced features:

Skill Manager

First you will need to navigate to the Skill Manager it is located under Advanced Settings.

Once you have clicked on the Skill Manager button you will get 2 new windows

First window Skillbook you can populate the skill book with your skills by hitting Refresh Skills. The skill mananger works as a priority system from top to bottom so remember this when building your profile and adding skills.

MiscSkills will be a list of Skills that may or may not be directly tied to combat. This is where you would find the Limit break skill along with many many other skills.

The Second window Skill Manager is where you will Edit, Set default, name your skill profiles.

As you click skills from your skill book it moves them over to the skill mananger so that you can edit the skills so that they only fire under specific conditionals.

Skill Details:

  1. Name: Name of the skill
  2. Skill Type: Action(player skill) or Pet(pet skill)
  3. Combat Status: In combat only , Out of combat only, or Any combat state.
  4. ID: the game ID for the skill. This would be used for the Previous skill id for setting up chains with other skills.
  5. Enabled: If the skill is enabled or disabled.

Basic Details:

  1. Charge Skill: Is this a Gap Closwer skill(i.e. Shoulder Tackle)
  2. Applies (De-)Buff: Does it apply a buff or debuff either to the player or the target
  3. Level ⇐: Use this skill by level. If your level is Lessthan or = to the value you put.
  4. Level >=: Use this skill by level. If your level is Greaterthan or = to the value you put.
  5. MinRange: Can set the min range to use this skill to target(I.E good for Archer Repelling shot)
  6. MaxRange: Can set the max range to use this skill to target(I.E good for Archer Repelling shot)
  7. Previous Skill ID: only use this skill if the ID put here was used before.
  8. Previous Skill ID Not: never use this skill if hte previous skill was the ID placed here
  9. Next Skill ID: The ID of the skill to use next
  10. Combo Break: Tick this if the skill doesnt break combo's
  11. Off GCD: If the Skill is OFF GCD tick this.
  12. Only Solo: Only use when solo
  13. Only Party: Only use when in party
  14. Sec Since Last Cast: use on a timer based on seconds

Other Skill Checks

  1. Skill ID: Skill ID for the skill you wish to check Cooldown on
  2. Is Ready: Is this skill Ready
  3. Is Not Ready: Is this skill not ready
  4. Cooldown remaining >=: Cooldown remaining is Greater then or = to the value you put
  5. Cooldown Remaining ⇐: Cooldown remaining is Lessthen or = to the value you put
  6. Skill Type: Player action or Pet action

Crafting Skill Checks


Alows you to Black list certain fates, mobs, aoes. You set the Blacklist name drop down menu to select the different things you want to black list. then you the add entry section to select the exact mob or fate or aoe you wish to black list. Use the Delete entry button to remove the item from the black list.

Advanced Settings

First things first you will want to click the Advanced Settings Tab.

You should get a window that looks like this.

The advanced settings window contains settings that are typically GLOBAL settings. These settings will effect every mode you are in. Unlike the settings tab that shows up on the main bot window which are specific settings that only effect the mode you are currently in.

BotStatus: This is kinda a settings and information tab. It will give you information about what current taks you are in, marker name/timer, game time along with counts and timers for the current task you are doing. This is where you can enable log and cne log, so that you can get more information on what currently the bot is doing.(helpfull information when you are reporting a bug)

General: This will hold most of the important settings that you will need in game.

Player HP/MP/TP: This is the setting for controling when yoru character Rests/Flees combat/ or take potions. also you can set it to HP value for when you want to start avoiding AOE, IE. if at 50% it will not avoid aoe till your character is below 50% hp.

Cast Prevention


You can use this to export your global settings, Marker settings to share with other people, Or import settings from other community members.