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deepdungeon [2023/11/30 11:46] husbandomaxdeepdungeon [2024/06/08 03:48] (current) husbandomax
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-<html><span style="color:red;font-size:150%;">THIS ADDON IS FREE WITH HUSBANDO'S TOOLBOX</span></html>+<html> 
 +html, body { 
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 +    "> 
 +    </a> 
 +    <br/> 
 +    <span style="color:red;font-size:150%;">THIS ADDON REQUIRES HUSBANDO'S TOOLBOX (FREE ON STORE)</span> 
-<html><span style="color:red;font-size:150%;">Addon page under rewrite for total addon rewrite 30/11/23</span></html> 
 ======== Deep Dungeon ======== ======== Deep Dungeon ========
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
 <WRAP column> <WRAP column>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 <WRAP column> <WRAP column>
-Deep Dungeon is an Addon to run Deep Dungeon Content.\\ 
-<color #ed1c24> +Deep Dungeon is an Addon to run Deep Dungeon Content. \\ 
-__**Use This Addon to use the Following Packs:**__\\+For Group/Party play. Some content can be solod on certain classes ect.  \\ 
 +Don't expect solo to be possible/easy its not really designed directly for that.  \\ 
 +See Floors Table for more info.\\
-**[[Deep_Dungeon_Pack_1|Deep Dungeon Pack 1]]**\\ +**Use This Addon to use the Following Packs:**
-</color> +
-</WRAP> +
-===== Run: ===== +| Listing Name | Content | 
-<WRAP group> +| **<color #ed1c24>Deep Dungeon (THIS PACK)</color>** | PoTD 1-100 HoH 1-50 | 
-<WRAP column> +| Deep Dungeon Pack 1 | EO 1-80 | 
-{{}} +| Deep Dungeon Pack 2                                               | PoTD 101-170 HoH 51-80  |
-</WRAP> +
-<WRAP column> +
-\\ +
-  * **Mode** - Palace of the Dead/Heaven on High/Eureka Orthos ect. (Depending on what you have access  to) +
-  * **Enter Floor** Floor to enter from, usually entering from 1,21 or 51 depending on the mode. +
-  * **Reset After** Once passing this point your saves will reset to restart. +
-  * **Save Slot** Uses this save slot only. +
-  * **Group Save Reset** Triggers a whole group save reset for your party. +
-  * **Group Mesh Reset** - Triggers a whole group mesh reset for your party.+
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-===== Settings: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-**Disable Save Delete** - Stops all save deletes, will require manual control.\\ 
-**Run Exchange** - Allows Exchange Addon hooking to safely manage you inventory only when the addon says its possible to do so.\\ 
-**Run Retainers** - Allows Retainers Addon hooking to safely manage your retainers only when the addon says its possible to do so.\\ 
-**Run Gardening** - Allows Gardening Addon hooking to safely manage your crops only when the addon says its possible to do so.\\ 
-**Sack Handler** - Opens sacks obtained at NPC (Will need lots of inv room and maybe a trash handler on exchange)\\ 
-**Avoid Other Mobs** - Will try to move the player away from non combat mobs when in combat. May not always work\\ 
-and still in somewhat testing phase.\\ 
-**Hoard Farm Mode** - This mode allows for hoard farming, using built save and leaving for optimal farm (Explained below).\\ 
-**Hoard Farm Mode** - None: Will run as normal.\\ 
-**Hoard Farm Mode** - Build: Disables Pomander use to farm your save for Farm mode.\\ 
-**Hoard Farm Mode** - Farm: Uses save to farm hoards until no Intuition.\\ 
-**Hoard Farm Mode** - Farm (Has Magicite): Will leave after you burn magicites\\ 
-**Buy Grips** - Toggle to buy and a min aetherpool to keep (Setting to 80 will buy 1 grip once you hit 90 ect).\\ 
-**Min Party Size** - Extra safety feature to not run the addon when you party is below this number.\\ 
-**Repair** - Repair gear below this condition.\\ 
-**Debug Level** - Console spam, Please use 3 for making reports showing console.\\ 
-===== HP Recovery: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-**Min HP** - Will rest when below this %\\ 
-**Echo Drops** - Use Echo Drops, great for use on healers when they stand on silence trap.\\ 
-**Normal Pots** - Uses best pot when needed.\\ 
-**Deep Dungeon Pot** - Use Deep Dungeon specific regen pots and the % to use them at,\\ 
-too high and you burn them fast, too low and you prob die.\\ 
-**Buy Pots** - Buy Deep Dungeon Pots with item currency.\\ 
-===== Loot Settings: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-  * **Get X Chest** - Will open this type of chest 
-  * **Prio X Chest** - Will force collect this type of chest otherwise will ignore them when the passage is open and too far away. 
-===== Loot Settings: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-This list will be used from the part leader.\\ 
-It will allow you to enable/disable the pomander to be used by clicking the button name.\\ 
-You can also set a min floor value with the number input to the right\\ 
-If it to not use until on or above the floor value you set.\\ 
-===== Resting: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-Resting will make your botting time safer by letting you setup pauses and stop timers. 
-  * **Runs Before Stopping** - How many dungeons to complete before stopping the addon. 
-  * **Runs Before Rest** - How many dungeons to complete before going into the resting state. 
-  * **Rest Time** - How long to rest once the above value has been reaches before resuming. 
-  * **Time Since Last Rest** - How long since you have rested. 
-  * **Time In Resting** - How long you have been resting for. 
-  * **Total Runs** - The total number of dungeons you have completed since starting. 
-  * **Runs Since Rest** - How many dungeons you have completed since you last rested. 
-===== AFK/House: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-Same system as other addons.\\ 
-Location to use when Idle/AFK/Shutdown mode.\\ 
-If house pick which one and if you want to enter it ect.\\ 
-If wanting to enter you must set the door data by targeting it and clicking the button.\\ 
-===== Group Data: ===== 
-Group Data is used to communicate with the other bots in your party.\\ 
-Here you can see the start of current connected party and even toggle their shutdown modes. 
-===== Logged: ===== 
-List of compete runs, times, deaths with CSV export support 
-===== Content Access: ===== 
-List of all Deep Dungeon content and if you have access to it. 
-If you do it will be be "selected". 
-Mouse tooltip will tell you how to obtain if possible. 
-===== Floor Info: ===== 
-^ Floor                                      ^ Difficulty  ^ Suggested Aetherpool  ^ Suggested Party Size  ^ 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 1-10)                                                               | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 11-20)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 21-30)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 31-40)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 41-50)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 51-60)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 61-70)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 71-80)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 81-90)      |                                                         | 
-| The Palace of the Dead (Floors 91-100)                                                             | 
-| Heaven-on-High (Floors 1-10)                                                                       | 
-| Heaven-on-High (Floors 11-20)              |                                                         | 
-| Heaven-on-High (Floors 21-30)              |                                                         | 
-| Heaven-on-High (Floors 31-40)              |                                                         | 
-| Heaven-on-High (Floors 41-50)              |                                                         | 
-| Eureka Orthos (Floors 1-10)                |                                                         | 
-| Eureka Orthos (Floors 11-20)                                                                       | 
-| Eureka Orthos (Floors 21-30)                                                                       | 
-| Eureka Orthos (Floors 31-40)                                                                       | 
-| Eureka Orthos (Floors 41-50)                                                                       | 
-===== Finding The Addon: ===== 
-<WRAP group> 
-<WRAP column> 
-<WRAP column> 
-All Addons are opened by my Toolbox menu.\\ 
-Click the Green + select/search the Addon from the toolbar.\\ 
 ===== Support ===== ===== Support =====
-For quick live support join my Discord >\\+For support and more join my Discord >\\
deepdungeon.1701344791.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/30 11:46 by husbandomax