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installation [2021/12/28 05:28] mistinstallation [2024/07/12 20:52] (current) anyone
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 ====== Requirements - READ THIS FIRST ====== ====== Requirements - READ THIS FIRST ======
-  * Minion is confirmed OK up to Windows 11 Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.376)+  * Minion is confirmed OK up to Windows 11 Version 23H2 (OS Build 22631.3737- Minion DOES NOT work with Windows Insider builds. This includes Windows 10 and Windows 11.
   * DO NOT install the [[minionapp|Minionapp]] on your Windows Desktop or any other Windows related Folder (C:\Windows, etc.)   * DO NOT install the [[minionapp|Minionapp]] on your Windows Desktop or any other Windows related Folder (C:\Windows, etc.)
-  * DO NOT set MinionApp.exe or the Game-exe to run in any kind of Compatibilty Mode+  * DO NOT set MinionApp.exe or the games exe to run in any kind of Compatibilty Mode. 
-  * Have the latest updates for Windows installed. Windows 'Insider Preview' Versions will most likely not work+  * The game has to be fully downloaded and updated. 
-  * The Game has to be fully downloaded and updated. +
   * Turn off Win10 GameBar and Game DVR: Win 10 Setings > Gaming > GameBar / DVR. Disable “Record in the background while I’m playing a game” and “Record game clips, screenshots, and broadcast using Game bar”.   * Turn off Win10 GameBar and Game DVR: Win 10 Setings > Gaming > GameBar / DVR. Disable “Record in the background while I’m playing a game” and “Record game clips, screenshots, and broadcast using Game bar”.
 {{::gamebar.png?400|}} {{::gamebar.png?400|}}
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   * **Cox ISP also has some advanced security you may need to disable. wifi app > More Options > My services > Advanced Security > Disable**   * **Cox ISP also has some advanced security you may need to disable. wifi app > More Options > My services > Advanced Security > Disable**
   * Very very few people have connection problems because of a windows setting, google "Turn off FIPS Cryptography" and make sure it is OFF.   * Very very few people have connection problems because of a windows setting, google "Turn off FIPS Cryptography" and make sure it is OFF.
 +  * FFXIV must be set to use Directx 11.
 +  * If you are missing plugins or ACRs, start the game launcher as admin.
 +  * Any sort of overlay COULD cause Minion to not properly attach to the game, see below for programs that may cause potential issues.
 \\ \\
Line 42: Line 44:
 ===== Unknown Error (Query/Fail) ===== ===== Unknown Error (Query/Fail) =====
 Most notably, this error is caused by XIVAlexander, but can also happen with any other programs that auto-inject into FFXIV. It's basically clogging up the games executable and making it so Minion can't inject. Follow these steps if you want to continue to use XIVAlexander: Most notably, this error is caused by XIVAlexander, but can also happen with any other programs that auto-inject into FFXIV. It's basically clogging up the games executable and making it so Minion can't inject. Follow these steps if you want to continue to use XIVAlexander:
-  * You'll have to use an older version like +  * Open XIVAlexander's installer and make sure the program is uninstalled from your game directory
-  * Then download the newest version and copy these files to your v1.14.8.8 folder so that XIVAlexander is updated to support the newest game version: +  * Install XIVAlexander as "dinput8.dll for directx11" or use the manual injection.
-  * Additionally, you can try to install the newer versions of XIVAlexander's auto-inject as "dinput8.dll for directx11" or even just use the manual injection mode, but this is not guaranteed to work forever.+
 Unknown Error (Query/Fail) can also happen from a failure to connect to MMOMinion's servers, but that's a bit more rare. Unknown Error (Query/Fail) can also happen from a failure to connect to MMOMinion's servers, but that's a bit more rare.
 +===== Stuck for a long time in 'Waiting for bot to attach' =====
 +If the launcher takes more than a minute to get past "Game started, waiting for bot to attach", reinstall your NVIDIA drivers and select "clean install"
 +Try if clean install does not help
 ===== XIVLauncher Details ===== ===== XIVLauncher Details =====
Line 56: Line 61:
 {{:xldalamuddisable.png|}} {{:xldalamuddisable.png|}}
 +===== Advanced Combat Tracker =====
 +Minion works fine with ACT but the new injection method built into ACT called "Deucalion Injection Library" can potentially cause issues. If you're using this optional setting, then make sure Minion is properly attached to the game before opening ACT. You can turn off this setting in Plugins > FFXIV ACT Plugin > Inject and use Deucalion for network data.
 ===== Antivirus & Firewall Problems ===== ===== Antivirus & Firewall Problems =====
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 ====== Download MinionApp & Installation ====== ====== Download MinionApp & Installation ======
 All our Products / Bots are started through a central Software, the [[MinionApp]]. All our Products / Bots are started through a central Software, the [[MinionApp]].
-  - [[|Download MinionApp_Installer]] +  - [[|Download MinionApp_Installer]]
-  - [[|Alternate Download MinionApp_Installer]] +
-  - [[|Alternate Download 2 MinionApp_Installer]]+
   - Run the MinionApp_Installer.exe.   - Run the MinionApp_Installer.exe.
   - Make sure to allow the installation of everything the MinionApp installer wants to install. (.NET, DXRuntime, C++ redist 2010 & 2013 & 2015).   - Make sure to allow the installation of everything the MinionApp installer wants to install. (.NET, DXRuntime, C++ redist 2010 & 2013 & 2015).
Line 82: Line 88:
   - **Read the [[MinionApp]] Instructions**.   - **Read the [[MinionApp]] Instructions**.
-<WRAP center round tip 60%> 
-If your download speed is slow (happens sometimes due to bad internet routing), you can alternatively download the MINIONAPP and Bots from here: [[|Alternative Download]] \\ {{::appdownload.png?direct&200|}} 
installation.1640669332.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/28 05:28 by mist