XIVLauncher(Dalamud) users
are not supported
PowerShell is used for some functions
Win11 users should configure PowerShell to start with admin privileges
what is AH
this was originally an open source project
it's what i myself used to make and share what i wanted
this is not a bot, but multiple utility tools
at first, im created it just to facilitate “world visit”, but as we responded to requests, i were able to do many different things
due to circumstances, it has become a store addon, but the concept remains unchanged
in other words, i will continue to make what i want
Requests are accepted and added if i want them
and since it is a very selfish tool i am making for myself, i am offering it for free
some features are alternatives to paid addons, but they are only simplified
in other words, it is like a toy box
there are tooltips in almost every area, and you will not be confused about how to use them
some of the languages are machine-translated, but i would like to take this opportunity to thank those who helped with the translation
some functions can also be operated by text command
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