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This AddOn is a lua based AddOn and provides a new BotMode designed for daily looting and gathering. Combined with frenkey's Toolbox you can earn some serious amounts of gold in low time. Profiles for this BotMode are shared on my discord.

This BotMode is based on teleporting. When you want to use all the features and benefits you will have to use teleports. The locations are completly random to avoid detection. No repeating pattern used.

Important! You cannot use the old taskprofiles or other taskprofiles in general. If you want to use that mode you will have to create them using the frenkey_CustomTasks Tasktype or get always plenty of profiles from the discord

Estimated Profit

Here you can see two examples of my profiles and the reward earned with my botmode. Gathering Run was using Gathering Tools of Bounty to get a additional 33% chance for an extra swing. This profit does not include any exotic drops, warbeast recipes, musicboxes etc. so they are very realistic.

  • LS4 Gathering Run: 14g 07s 24c – 52 minutes – 16,23g/h
  • PoF & LS Daily Run: 21g 42s 80c – 1h 33 minutes – 13,82g/h

A fullrun of gathering and daily loot should net you ~40g/account per day even more with rare drops. Gathering profiles can be run two to three times. This makes additional ~20-30g if you use Candy Corn Gobbler from frenkey's Toolbox gathering tools of bounty or volatile tools, guild boost and a banner you can get up to twice that amount. with perfect gather conditions we are talking about easily 70-100g per day with ~5-6 hours gameplay. I dont know any other method that yields that high g/h with bots.

Avaible TaskProfiles

I've created a total of 34 Taskprofiles to use with frenkey's CustomTasks. It contains LS3, 4 & 5 as well as all PoF Maps.

[Loot] - these profiles are focused on collecting loot from daily chests and caches, including the chests for Music Boxes

[Gather] - these profiles are focused on gathering, especially LS3 & 4 & 5 currencies to get Volatile and Unbound Magic to exchange to gold.

[Music Box] - these profiles are focused on trying to get a Music Box which is worth 70-350g

Click to display ⇲

Click to hide ⇱

  1. [Gather][C] Bitterfrost Frontier
  2. [Gather][C] Rich Nodes
  3. [Gather][C] Sirens Landing
  4. [Gather][N] Bloodstone Fen
  5. [Gather][N] Draconis Mons
  6. [Gather][N] Dragonfall
  7. [Gather][N] Ember Bay
  8. [Gather][N] Grothmar Valley
  9. [Gather][N] Jahai Bluffs
  10. [Gather][N] Lake Doric
  11. [Gather][N] Sandswept Isles
  12. [Gather][N] Thunderhead Peaks
  13. [Loot][A] Crystal Oasis
  14. [Loot][A] Desert Highlands
  15. [Loot][A] Domain of Istan
  16. [Loot][A] Domain of Kourna
  17. [Loot][A] Domain of Vabbi
  18. [Loot][A] Elon Riverlands
  19. [Loot][A] Grothmar Valley
  20. [Loot][A] HoT Chests
  21. [Loot][A] Jahai Bluffs
  22. [Loot][A] Sandswept Isles
  23. [Loot][A] The Desolation
  24. [Loot][A] Thunderhead Peaks
  25. [Loot][C] Chest & Nodes
  26. [Loot][C] Draconis Mons
  27. [Loot][C] Ember Bay
  28. [Loot][C] Lake Doric
  29. [Loot][C] Sirens Landing
  30. [Music Box] Crystal Oasis
  31. [Music Box] Desert Highlands
  32. [Music Box] The Desolation
  33. [Music Box] Domain of Vabbi
  34. [Music Box] Elon Riverlands


  • [ Report & Skip ] skips the current task and creates a report to hand in
  • [ Edit ] opens the edit tab to adjust the current profile


  • [ ] Play Alert on DC plays an alert when disconnected
  • [ ] Relogg on DC enable/disable automatic relogging when disconnected
  • [ ] Auto Start enable/disable automatic start of the last run TaskProfile
  • [ ] Auto Switch Character enable/disable automatic character switch to continue with the account wide queue
  • [ ] Logout when done bot will logout when the hole account queue is done
  • [ ] Teleport enables teleporting, required
  • [ ] Use Scotty Teleport enables Scotty's teleport function instead of the included
  • [10000][-][+] min distance sets the minimum distance before teleporting. This will not be checked if target location is not on the same mesh.
  • [1250][-][+] sync time sets the wait duration after teleporting to let the map load
  • [180][-][+] max task duration sets the maximum duration a task can be run. This is added to prevent stucks and endless fighting.


  • [ ] Safe Death Handling skip on to another task if you die and players are around. the task will be repeated at a later point this should prevent players watching you porting around
  • [ 3000 ][+][-] Distance sets the distance to check for players, this only includes those with line of sight
  • [ ] Skip MOB TYPE [ 1 ][+][-] skips a task when the mob type is X times present and is attacking the bot
  • [ ] Always Fight fights always even when not set in the profile
  • [ ] Avoid Combat never fights even when set in the profile
  • [ ] Skip Events skips events
  • [ 1800 ][+][-] Event Range sets the range to check for events

Gather Vendor

Important! These Options will only show up if you own frenkey's Toolbox

  • [ ] get Tools when out enable/disable buying gathering tools when you ran out. You will get ported to your selected map and vendor to buy them. When you bought them you return.
  • Vendor Map sets the map you want to buy gathering tools, make sure to have a waypoint unlocked.
  • Vendor sets the vendor you want to buy the gathering tools from

Task Menu

Task Profiles

These are just basic TaskManager options

  • Task order select if you want to do the tasks linear or in random order
  • Repeat enables/disables looping through the tasks

If you want to edit a task, select it and the Task window will pop up.


These are just basic Task options as usual. The special thing is the following button

  • Configure Interact targets / gatherables edit the targets to interact with or the locations you want to gather

Configure Interact targets / gatherables

  • Default Action select the default Action you want to add when adding a target
  • Default Range set the default range to gather or loot in
  • [ ] Ore enables/disables gathering Ore by default
  • [ ] Wood enables/disables gathering Wood by default
  • [ ] Plants enables/disables gathering Plants by default
  • Add target add the current target / location to the table

Within the table you can configure each task again with the same options as before.

  • Delete deletes the task in that row
  • Fight Aggro Fights Aggro to prevent interrupts and task skips
  • Fight to survive Fights Aggro to prevent deaths

frenkey_customtasks.1574508092.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/23 11:21 by frenkey