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This is the format we need the skill data in:

Conditional Skill

   --- standalone
      conditional_skill = {
         standalone = true,
         conditions = { "fire", "air" },
   --- "related"
      conditional_skill = {
         standalone = false,
         CN = 13004,
         ["EU-NA"] = 13004,
         global = "5-90",
         conditions = { "stealth" },

A Conditional Skill (conditional_skill) is a skill that is tied to some conditions such are:

  • skills that change on stealth (thief)
  • skills that change on weapon combinations (thief slot 3)
  • skills that change on beastmode (ranger)
  • skills that change on attunements (weaver slot 3)

Possible conditions are:


Conditional Skills

      conditional_skills = {
            CN = 46629,
            ["EU-NA"] = 46629,
            global = "4-168",

Conditional Skills (conditional_skills) lists all “conidtion childs” of a skill. Only the “main” skill can have the conditional_skills key!

This means in the image only the following skills have that key:

  • Maul (no soulbeast)
  • Double Strike
  • Twisting Fangs


      --- Required: Flags from the API data, can be empty
      flags = {

Flags (flags) contains some information about the skill and its restrictions. Those are from the API and can be added manually if needed. Common flags are:


Flip Skills

      --- Optional: flip_skill from the API data, basically the next skill in a chain
      flip_skill = {
         CN = 46629,
         ["EU-NA"] = 46629,
         global = "4-27",

Flip skills (flip_skill) are skills that come next in a skill chain or change based on events/traits/use. This information can be found in the API but not needed atm.

Ground effect

      --- Required: ground_effect informations from torx, can be empty
      ground_effect = {

The ground effect (ground_effect) table is empty atm and will be filled with the information from torx, such as radius, identifier etc

Ground Target

      --- Required: ground targeted true/false - from game data `d(Player:GetSpellInfoByID(skill_id))`
      ground_target = false,

(ground_target) Value that tells us if a skill is ground targeted or not, info is contained in the game data


      --- Required: id set, for now CN and EU are the same, global id is assigned by me
      id = {
         CN = 12525,
         ["EU-NA"] = 12525,
         global = "4-27",

The ID (id) is the unique identifier. We have 3 different IDs, CN, EU-NA, and global. The global ID is assigned by me and will never change. If you found a missing skill, tell me about it and i will assign a global id.


      --- Required: name set, for now CN and EU are the same, global name is the same as EU, means right now all are the same
      name = {
         CN = "Maul",
         ["EU-NA"] = "Maul",
         global = "Maul",

Pretty much the same like ids, global = EU-NA and since we don't have CN data yet all 3 are the same.


      --- Required: professions that can use the skill, either via bundle or by default;
      --- the data is often not correct, means they list all professions or none, you will have to adjust it to be correct
      professions = {

The professions (professions) table is supposed to tell us which class has access to that skill. Not only skills of the same class can be used as some skills can be gained through a transformation or a bundle. E.g. Elementalist Conjures. Possible Professions are:



      --- Required: The slot in which the skill is in
      slot = "Weapon_2",

The Slot key (slot) tells us in which slot the skill would be. Possible slots are:


Skill Type

      --- Required: Skill Type
      type = "Weapon",

The Skill Type (type) tells us what the skill is bound to. Possible types are:


Weapon Type

      --- Required: Weapon Type
      weapon_type = "Greatsword",

Kinda obvious one. Just tells us which weapon type the skill is tied to. Possible values:


Bundle Skill

      bundle_skill = {
         CN = 5506,
         ["EU-NA"] = 5506,
         global = "6-204",

The bundle skill works in 2 ways. It tells us that the skill is part of a bundle and shows us which “main skill” it is tied to.

Bundle Skills

bundle_skills = {
            CN = 5882,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5882,
            global = "3-137",
            CN = 5807,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5807,
            global = "3-217",
            CN = 5808,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5808,
            global = "3-179",
            CN = 5809,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5809,
            global = "3-171",
            CN = 5806,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5806,
            global = "3-139",

Listing all the skills that are tied to the bundle. Only the “main” skill can have the bundle_skills key!


      chain = {
            CN = 25498,
            ["EU-NA"] = 25498,
            global = "6-55",

Listing all the skills that are tied to the chain. Only the “main” skill can have the chain key!

Chain Skill

      chain_skill = true,

Simple true/false tells us if that skill is part of a chain or not


      water = true,

Simple true/false tells us if that skill is only used in aquatic combat or not


      pvp = true,

Simple true/false tells us if that skill is only available in PvP/WvW


      wvw = true,

Simple true/false tells us if that skill is only available in PvP/WvW

Fictional Example

local tbl = {
   ["4-27"] = {
   bundle_skills = {
            CN = 24409,
            ["EU-NA"] = 24409,
            global = "6-51",
            CN = 5760,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5760,
            global = "6-166",
            CN = 24411,
            ["EU-NA"] = 24411,
            global = "6-59",
            CN = 5761,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5761,
            global = "6-153",
            CN = 5762,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5562,
            global = "6-211",
            CN = 24407,
            ["EU-NA"] = 24407,
            global = "6-41",
            CN = 24410,
            ["EU-NA"] = 24410,
            global = "6-54",
            CN = 5763,
            ["EU-NA"] = 5763,
            global = "6-219",
      --- Optional
      conditional_skills = {
            CN = 46629,
            ["EU-NA"] = 46629,
            global = "4-168",
            conditions = { "beastmode" }
      --- Required
      flags = {
      --- Optional
      flip_skill = {
         CN = 46629,
         ["EU-NA"] = 46629,
         global = "4-27",
      --- Required
      ground_effect = {
      --- Required
      ground_target = false,
      --- Required
      id = {
         CN = 12525,
         ["EU-NA"] = 12525,
         global = "4-27",
      --- Required
      name = {
         CN = "Maul",
         ["EU-NA"] = "Maul",
         global = "Maul",
      --- Required
      professions = {
      --- Required
      slot = "Weapon_2",
      --- Required
      type = "Weapon",
      --- Required
      weapon_type = "Greatsword",
frenkey_template.1616354429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/21 19:20 by frenkey