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This addon is requiered to use some MCR jobs :
Astrologian, Sage, Scholar, Warrior and White mage

MCR Astrologian

MCR Astrologian is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion).

Features :

  • Drawing and playing cards on appropriate jobs
  • Weaving skills properly on Malefic, Fall Malefic, Gravity and Combust
  • Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used
  • Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation
  • Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle

MCR Scholar

This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

MCR Scholar is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion).

Features :

  • Weaving skills properly on Ruin, Broil, Art of War and Bio
  • Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used
  • Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation
  • Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle

MCR Sage

This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

MCR Sage is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion).

Features :

  • Weaving skills properly on Dosis, Eukrasian Dosis, Toxicon and Dyskrasia
  • Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used
  • Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation
  • Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle

MCR White Mage

This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

MCR White Mage is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion).

Features :

  • Weaving skills properly on Stone, Glare, Aero, Dia and Holy
  • Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used
  • Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation
  • Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle

MCR Warrior

This addon requires JadkayCore (free). Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

MCR Warrior is a MCR combat profile up to level 90 (Endwalker expansion).

Features :

  • Weaving skills properly on weapons skills
  • Filter skills management to have a controle on skill being used
  • Hotbar system (with text or icon), so you can cast some skills properly without fighting the MCR rotation
  • Create your own profile, hotbar and filter to fit your playstyle

Reporting Guide

Support on Madao Discord :
To receive proper support, I'm asking you to make a proper report please.
I need a minimum of information to be able to resolve your issue :

  • Your job
  • Your level
  • Do you have all skills unlocked for your level ?
  • What were you doing ?
  • What's not working ?
  • Did you update and reload ?
  • Did you try with Madao's add-ons only ?
  • Copy all and paste of the console (if you don't want it to be public DM it to me)
  • Screen with specific information : version, profile used, filter settings

jadkaycore.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/14 22:55 by ijadkay