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Your GW2 battle companion.

For everyone: saves builds for easy swap.

For Condi Weavers: a free DPS rotation - perfect for Open World or Fractals.

Available features

  • Automatic spell rotation for optimized DPS during fights.
    • Condi Weaver rotation available for free. Other rotations will be available with Kiko+ addons. Please give feedback and ideias, so I can improve it.
  • Saves builds for easy swap.
  • Minimal game graphics performance impact.1)

Currently supported builds

  • Condi Weaver Beta 2)

Future Plus features

Plus means that the features are available only if you bought a Kiko+ addon.
  • (Plus) Automatically finds the best supported rotation based on the current specs/traits/weapons or recommends changes, so you get closer to a supported build.
  • (Plus) Use hacks discreetly on slightly safe moments.3)
    • For example: increases speed when no one is looking.
  • (Plus) Automatic evade CC or big damage.
  • (Plus) Keep track of the health, automatic healing and warning you if you should run away.
Kiko+ addons are currently in development and unavailable.

History and Planned features

Kiko was born with the idea of improving the experience of people who wants to have an edge on fights. The main goal is give tips and real insight of what the bot is doing or expects you to do manually4) to have the best experience during a battle.

The addon is in an early stage of development. I aim to release at least one free rotation for each class, but that's still a work in progress. There's also some new features on the looks, for example a Fractal's companion meant to be used together with Fractals specialized rotations. I also aim to release PvP queuing tools, PvP/Raid/WvW specialized rotations, etc. If you're interested on those features, join my Discord server to keep up-to-date with the development.

If you have any ideas or suggestion that might be nice to be added to the addon, please join my Discord server!

Support and Feedback

I'm currently developing the addon as a hobby, so I might not be 24/7 available or working on it. If you have any questions, suggestion, ideas and feedbacks, please join my Discord server:

Logos designed by Kiko.
Icons designed by FatCow Web Hosting5)

FPS is as important as DPS for a seamless experience.
You can disable hacks anytime if worried about detection. By using this feature you're aware and agrees that you may be banned.
Keep the “botting” discreetly. We don't want people to notice you're botting. But you can also use it together with Assist Mode.
kiko_base.1633083278.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/01 10:14 by kiko