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What is it?

An addon that can send functions to all FFXIV windows running on the same computer.


Floating Buttons or using Minions shortcut system, you can add code such as:

kIPC.Send(who[str], command[str], delay[bool][optional], delaytimer[int][optional])

kIPC.Send("all", 'd("Hello World")')
kIPC.Send("all", 'd("Hello")', true, 3000) -- each character will put hello in the console with a 3 second delay between each.
kIPC.Send("Char Name Server", 'd("Hello Char Name")')
kIPC.Send("Char Name@Server", 'd("Hello Char Name")')
  1. all - Sends to all characters and will be processed by all characters that have the addon enabled
  2. specific name - will only send to that character - This must be formatted in as: firstname secondname server - any case, punctuation is optional as I remove it

Any command that you can run in the console can be passed here. Must either pass a function of equivalency statement.

  • 'd(“Hello Char Name”)'
  • MyAddonName.Enable = true
  • MyAddonName.FunctionName()

If you are sending a string inside of the function, encase the function in ', and the string in “

  • Correct : kIPC.Send(“all”,'AddonName.SendString(“string”)')
  • Incorrect : kIPC.Send(“all”,”AddonName.SendString('string')“)


  • First image's UI will show each time you log in on a new character (Settings profile) - click the [Run Set Up] button
  • Second image's UI will show after you have clicked [Run Set Up]
  1. Enable - Enables the addon to recieve requests. This does not need to be enabled to send requests.
  2. Pulse timer is set to 1000ms (1s) by default. The slider accepts 250 - 15000ms. The upper limit is there due to commands only being processed if they are less than 30 seconds old.
  3. Code Editor to create your functions - each function is self contained and cannot see the other functions in the code editor. If you are wanting one function to call multiple functions you'll need to use your own library addon to hold them.
  4. Save Functions needs to be pressed after each edit you make to update the buttons.
  5. Counter to change how many buttons are shown on each line at the bottom of the UI.
  6. Button for each of your functions in #3. The name on the button matches the name of the function.
  7. Free button that can be placed anywhere on your screen. Need to add local floatingbutton = true inside the function. See *

Built In Functions

-Move To Closest Inn-


-Reload LUA-


-Shutdown all clients and MinionApp-


This uses powershell to kill clients and minionapp

-Toggle Rendering-

kIPC.Send("all","Hacks:Disable3DRendering(not gDisableDrawing) gDisableDrawing=not gDisableDrawing")

-Toggle Minion-


-Set Bot Mode-


mode is case dependent, “Assist”, not “assist”. “Grind”, not “grind” etc

-Open KitanoiFuncs tabs-

kIPC.Send("all",'KitanoiFuncs.OpenTab("dungeon framework")')

case irrelevant - same name as the tab shows. Not sure how client language will affect it.

-Start/Stop my addons-

  1. -names - dungeon framework, usp dungeons, usp tank, usp pony, usp lanner, treasure hunt, party follow, light farm, rathalos farm,
kIPC.Send("all",'KitanoiFuncs.EnableAddon("party follow",true)')

-Use Items-

kIPC.Use("MGP Platinum Card")

Name must match the name exactly (case irrevelant). EN/FR/DE/CN/KR all work

It will continue looping until you don't have any more of the items.


This will stop the loop.


  • It only works when you are running the characters on the same computer.
  • Requests are not queued. There is no buffer. It stores the last request until it is complete then removes the request.


  • KitanoiFuncs - free on store.
  • A Minion settings profile correctly created for each character that you use.
kipc.1636936282.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/15 00:31 by kitanoi