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Kitanoi's Treasure Hunt

⇓ Read this whole post before purchasing or using. ⇓

Currently 360 maps are supported. List of map types below.

Currently supported maps:

  • Leather Maps - 古ぼけた地図G1 - Vieille carte en cuir - Vergilbte Lederkarte - 陈旧的鞣革地图

18 / ??

  • Goatskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G2 - Vieille carte en peau de bouquetin - Vergilbte Steinbockleder-Karte - 陈旧的山羊革地图

11 / ??

  • Toadskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G3 - Vieille carte en peau de crapaud - Vergilbte Krötenleder-Karte - 陈旧的巨蟾蜍革地图

15 / ??

  • Boarskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G4 - Vieille carte en peau de sanglier - Vergilbte Keilerleder-Karte - 陈旧的野猪革地图

12 / ??

  • Peisteskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G5 - Vieille carte en peau de peiste - Vergilbte Basiliskenleder-Karte - 陈旧的毒蜥蜴革地图

12 / ??

  • Archaeoskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G6 - Vieille carte en peau d'archéornis - Vergilbte Archaeoleder-Karte - 陈旧的古鸟革地图

10 / ??

  • Wyvernskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G7 - Vieille carte en peau de wyverne - Vergilbte Wyvernleder-Karte - 陈旧的飞龙革地图

19 / ??

  • Dragonskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G8 - Vieille carte en peau de dragon - Vergilbte Drachenleder-Karte - 陈旧的巨龙革地图

35 / 35

  • Gaganaskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G9 - Vieille carte en peau de gagana - Vergilbte Gaganaleder-Karte - 陈旧的迦迦纳怪鸟革地图

18 / ??

  • Gazelleskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G10 - Vieille carte en peau de gazelle - Vergilbte Gazellenleder-Karte - 陈旧的瞪羚革地图

51 / 48

  • Gliderskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G11 - Vieille carte en peau de smilodon -Vergilbte Smilodonleder-Karte - 陈旧的绿飘龙革地图

47 / 49

  • Zonureskin Maps - 古ぼけた地図G12 - Vieille carte en peau de glaucus - Vergilbte Glaucusleder-Karte - 陈旧的缠尾蛟革地图

48 / 48

  • Mysterious Map(Alexandrite) - 謎めいた地図(アレキサンドライト) - Carte mystérieuse(Alexandrite) - Geheimnisvolle Karte(Alexandrit) - 神秘地图(星光变石)

34 / 34

  • Timeworn Thief Maps - 転送魔紋の地図:深層 - Carte de portail magique caché - Vergilbte Schatzkarte eines - 深层传送魔纹的地图

02 / 15

  • Unhidden Leather Map - 隠された地図G1 - Carte secrète en cuir - Unversteckte Lederkarte - 鞣革制的隐藏地图

28 / 2?

Does NOT support party finder, for cross-world partys, manually invite each member.


  • Enable: Enable or Disable addon (There is no auto re-enable. This is because only the party leader will open maps and leads the party. After disconnects, sometimes the party leader changes and you'll be left not doing anything anyway.
  • Do Dungeons:
  1. Enable: Does the dungeons when you enter them, each character must be set individually if running in a party or multiboxing.
  2. Disable: Enters the dungeon, then exits straight away. The reason it enters is due to how the portals work. If you teleport away from a portal, the party is broken.
  • Try Luck: Will start or skip the high low minigame
  • High: Always roll high, Low: Always roll low, Closest: Choose closest to player, Hold: Wait for player to play the game.
  • Current Treasure Map Data: Pulls raw data from game, for information only.
  • Report Missing Map: Button to retrieve all information needed so that I can add reported maps to the database.
  • Party Change: Click this if your party composition changes. This is instead of having a process constantly run checking for changes, as I did not want to have this happening when people are running multiple accounts.
  • Wait Time: Custom time to wait before leaving dungeons if you aren't doing dungeons. We enter and leave dungeons as teleporting away from a portal breaks the party.
  • Debug: Enable this if you are having issues and screenshot the console to me on discord.
  • Loot: Enable / Disable rolling on chest items.
  • Help and Links
  1. Addon Wiki: Here
  • Treasure Map Details: Raw ingame data.

BETA inclusion of Argus to handle targeted AOEs. This is a WIP and only works if you have the Argus addon installed.

Retainers and auto-change party lead

This shows the correct input for a party of eight. Each character needs to complete the list in the EXACT same order. If you have fewer than eight members, fill from top to bottom.

This shows an incorrectly filled list. Notice the gap at position 4, this means the bot will have 1 pass to 2, 2 pass to 3, and 3 pass to 1. Ensure there are no gaps in the list.

All party members need to have Auto Change Leader enabled so that lead can be passed.

The ideal set up for using retainers is as follows:

  • 1 Map in each retainer.
  • 1 Map in saddlebag
  • 1 Deciphered map in KI
  • 1 Map in inventory

By default, this allows 5 maps per character.

Ensure you set Retainers Count to the number of retainers you have on that specific character.

Enable Retainers.

When you have set up your inventory, click Reset Retainers and you can start the addon. Each time you add new maps to your retainers, click this button so that the bot knows it has new maps. (This cannot be automated, it is used as a check).

The speed of navigating the retainer menu is slow to ensure you do not lock the menus. If you lock the menus (interact doesn't open the menu) you need to log out and back in. Please do not ask me to speed it up, I will not.

Chinese - Almost complete

Japanese - Limited

French - Limited

German - Limited

Korean - None

If you wish to help, please provide translations in my discord.

What it does:

  • Deciphers treasure maps (just have the bottle in the inventory or the KI if previously opened.)
  • Moves to dig location
  • Digs
  • Waits for all party members to arrive (if in party)
  • Kills aggro
  • Opens chest
  • Enters portals (Will always enter portals, even if dungeons is not enabled. This is because teleporting away from a portal breaks the party.)
  • Does dungeon
  • Detects rainbow glowing doors for EN / JP / CN - FR and DE won't work as I do not have the correct text to detect.

Handles combat, AOE avoidance is done using the default minion avoid aoe. Argus support for circle aoes has been added for those who have Argus installed.

Gambler's Luck minigame in The Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah

It is not possible to determine the card numbers, so automatically this game cannot be played properly. Please play manually if you prefer. However using the below settings it will attempt to play.

Try Luck:

  • On: Chooses gamble option
  • Off: Chooses to loot chest.
  • High: Always chooses high in the minigame.
  • Low: Always chooses low in the minigame.
  • Closest: Always chooses closest to player.
  • Hold: Stops the addon and allows you to play the game manually.

FFXIV Gambler's Lure Rules

  1. The rules for the game are as follows, and if I can program them in, I will in a future release.
  2. The cards range from numbers 1 - 9.
  3. You are shown the left card, you need to guess if the right is higher or lower.
  4. If you guess correctly, the right card will be moved to the left. Now you must decide if the new right card is higher or lower than the left card.
  5. If the two cards are the same, they will be rerolled automatically.
  6. If you win 5 times, all chests will be unlocked.

Report Missing Map:

You can now use the following button that send a report direct to Disord without you needing to log in. This is a WIP and sometimes the button will not be available. If that is the case, use the manual report feature.

Ensure you are at the dig location and on the correct map before reporting, or your report will be ignored.

If you find a map that isn't coded, press the “Report Missing Map” button to see the following interface. Place the map image as shown, go to the correct location where you need to dig, screenshot the interface and add it to Discord so that it can be added.

Any mesh issues you find, please include this. But, also include a screenshot of the game map where the location is so that I can look to fix the mesh.

Currently, as we cannot use the map coordinates in the map and convert to Minion mesh positions, each map has been manually entered into a database with a valid Minion mesh position. Should, in the future, we be able to convert map in game positions to Minion mesh positions, I will update my code so that all maps will be possible.

Until that time though, currently supported maps remains as listed above.

The map db is open to anyone to be able to add future / lower level maps.

Currently supported dungeons:

  1. The Aquapolis (Level 60 - Dragonskin Map)
  2. The Shifting Altars of Uznair (Level 70 - Gazelleskin Map)
  3. The Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah (mesh needs completing, rooms 1 - 3 done)(Level 80 - Zonureskin Map)
  4. The Lost Canals of Uznair (WIP - No mesh yet) (Level 70 - Gazelleskin Map (Rare spawn)) - BETA - Mesh available on my discord.

Currently unsupported dungeons:

  • Underwater Thief Maps dungeon

What it does NOT do:

Does NOT buy maps from the auction house. Maps must be manually bought. I'd suggest buying one, deciphering it, then buying another. You can buy 1 of each type and keep them in the inventory and the bot will run though them.

Does NOT clear your inventory, you will need to handle this manually or through the use of another addon that can desynth.

Cannot detect the correct door (unless door is glowing). So it selects the door that is closest.


You use this SOLO or with a group of people all running MINION. Do not run this with random people, the AOE avoidance is not perfect. The flying is NOT perfect as the randomization is not part of minion and I have had to try make it so.

Monitor your accounts when running the addon. It will automate moving, killing, doing dungeons. But it does not have any other player detection. If a group is already doing a map, stop your leader, let them move on then begin again.

I take no responsibility to any bans. Botting in open areas is risky, AOE avoidance isn't always perfect and getting stuck is always a possibility. Please see this addon as a helping tool rather than complete automation.

All my testing is done using 4 characters, though up to 8 can be used.

Please use the 12 hour trial to ensure you are happy with the addon before purchasing. Use this time to check everything and raise any concerns you have. I am available on Discord all day every day while I am not asleep.

Requirements / Suggestions:

For dungeons, you will need more than 1 character. I'd suggest a minimum of a healer and a tank.

Suggested: flying in all zones.

Unlocked all zones relevant to the maps expansion.


  • Coerthas Western Highlands
  • The Churning Mists
  • The Dravanian Highlands
  • The Sea of Clouds


  • The Azim Steppes
  • The Fringes
  • The Lochs
  • The Peaks
  • The Ruby Sea
  • Yanxia


  • Lakeland
  • Kholusia
  • Amh Araeng
  • Il Mheg
  • The Rak'tika Greatwood
  • The Tempest

Get as many maps as you can before starting the bot running. I use the following inventory of items:

The bot will do the first Key Item map you have, followed by each map lowest to highest level.

Whichever KI you have > Dragonskin > Gazelleskin > Zonureskin.

Map Data

All map data will be available in a .db file that will be provided with the addon. This will allow users to add maps manually should they wish to add maps that are level 50 and below, or in future expansions.

I use DB Browser (SQLite) to read and edit the data. It is a free program. Please do your own research before downloading any programs, I am not suggesting using this product, just stating this is what I used as of February 2020.

Upcoming Changes

List of Improvements:

  • Add level 70 solo maps WIP.
  • Add other maps.
  • Retainers Complete
  • Add Gliderskin maps. Mostly complete, missing 2 maps.
  • Numbered enemies in Lyhe Ghiah Complete
  • Avoidance and positioning for the Goliath and minions. Possibly fixed with release of Arugs cross avoidance.
  • Saddlebag. Complete


04 Apr 2020 2020年4月04曰

New avoidance system implemented. Utilizes Argus to detects AOEs.

Fixed fps issue when using saddlebag.

17 Mar 2020 2020年3月17曰

Detection of rainbow glowing doors for EN / JP / CN - FR and DE won't work as I do not have the correct text to detect.

06 Mar 2020 2020年3月6曰

The following maps will now be moved from retainers and saddlebag when the options are enabled:

Zonureskin, Gliderskin, Dragonskin, Gazelleskin, Leather, Goatskin, Toadskin, Boarskin, Peisteskin, Archaeoskin, Wyvernskin, Gaganaskin.

Timeworn Thiefs's map and leather buried maps are NOT moved at this time - Dungeon for Timeworn Theif's map is not started as I have no maps to mesh the dungeon properly.

Beta version of The Lost Canals of Uznair has been added, please download the mesh from my Discord.

Retainer menu lock should be fixed now. If you experience any menus locking (cannot interact with things) after using the retainer option, please let me know on Discord.

More maps have been added. Total of 252 now available.

02 Mar 2020 2020年3月2曰

Auto Party Lead Change implementation.

Fixing the targeting of mandragoras for CN.

Fixing the detargeting of mandragoras that was happening in NA/EU/JP.

Some more maps.

Changed teleport location for all Amh Araeng maps to avoid stuck location under arch.

28 Feb 2020 2020年2月28曰

Argus cross aoe avoidance.

Better follower following in dungeons.

Delayed following in open world so all accounts aren't too close together.

Some unhidden maps added(all the above in discord chat)* Will not decipher yet or open the KI as only a few are added.

Saddlebag timer fix.

27 Feb 2020 2020年2月27曰

Language options added.

Chinese - Almost complete

Japanese - Limited

French - Limited

German - Limited

Korean - None

If you wish to help, please provide translations in my discord.

25 Feb 2020 2020年2月25曰

New database update to fix a lakeland map.

Priority yeti targeting.

Killing mandragoras in the correct order.

Potential fix to leader opening chest / killing aggro behaviour.

New UI options for retainers and saddlebags - these do nothing right now, just there for show.

Also increased avoid range for circle aoes by a little to try avoid getting hit when you are right on the edge / just inside the aoe.

Saddlebag support added.

24 Feb 2020 2020年2月24曰

Fix for auto face target - Now auto turns on.

Update to Argus avoid. If using Argus, with Argus enabled in my addon, ground circle aoes now avoid properly.

Couple additional Gliderskin maps added.

Landing tweaks to stop occasional random movement after landing.

23 Feb 2020 2020年2月23曰

Hold Fix - Disables addon if you have the following options enabled: 1. Enable, 2. Do Dungeons. 3. Hold. Allows user to take control of the high low minigame.

LOS Fix - If not in LOS, bot will move to target. If in LOS bot will use normal combat.

Landing for leader is completely randomized now.

21 Feb 2020 2020年2月21曰

Fixed decipher usage for non-EN clients. Should work correctly with any game language now.

20 Feb 2020 2020年2月20曰

  • Gliderskin Map addition.
  • BETA addition of Argus for targeted aoe avoidance.

19 Feb 2020 2020年2月19曰

  • No longer returns on death. Will wait for raise to be cast. If no raise is cast or all players die, please manually return them.
  • Auto fate sync now turned off by default.
  • Hold option added to high low minigame allowing you to take control to play the game.

10 Feb 2020 2020年2月10曰

2 new options in UI

  1. Bypass dead - The bot will now stop in a dungeon if not in combat and a party member is dead, if a characters job is whm, sch, ast, smn, or rdm it will cast the appropriate raise spell. Bypass undead option should be off by default, and turned on when all your raisers are dead, but you wish to continue the run.
  2. Loot - On by default, switch to off if you want certain characters to pass lootable loot.
  • Character will now dismount before digging.
  • All follower accounts will land and dismount when near a leader that is also at ground level.
  • Sprint has been added for follower accounts. Will help in getting to the first room quicker, used when out of combat only. Still needs tweaks so that it doesn't use it on cooldown when close enough to leader.
  • Bot on start now correctly sets assist mode.
  • Bot when enabled will keep assist mode enabled also.



I will keep the most up-to-date version of the database needed as a pinned message, as well as within the addon.

At release, one mesh is not loaded into Minion for THe Dungeons of Lyhe Ghiah, you need to download it and place it in the folder: MINIONAPP\Bots\FFXIVMinion64\Navigation\ - Now released as part of minion app.

kitanois_treasure_hunt.1585817471.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/02 08:51 by kitanoi