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Madao Combat (Base of MCR series).


  • The base is part of MCR combat routines.
  • Also need this one for MadaoGrind MadaoMobhunt MadaoFate MadaoCraft/GatherLeveler addons.
  • Ability to create custom Openers (Need MCR for each job)
  • Ability to make Keybinds for use on filters / hotbars
  • Create Custom Combat routines (Need MCR for each job)
  • Supportive UI
  • 1-90 Open world profiles (Free) and (WIP)


  • All MCR rotations will have an advanced UI for customizations you can use mine or madaos.
  • No Big Cooldowns, This will allow you to edit which cooldowns you want to save when the filter “No Big Cooldowns” is enabled.
  • No Big Auto, This is paired with “No Big cooldowns” if “No Big Auto” is turned on, it will activate “No Big cooldowns” automatically when the targets HP% threshold returns true to save CDs, useful in dungeons / open world content.
  • SmartDot Blacklist, this will allow you to add monsters IDs into the blacklist so it doesn't dot them, you can either add them by targeting or ID.
  • Potions / Food, you can add any pots and food into MCR thats in your inventory.
  • Filter Settings, This will allow you to customise which filters you want visible, change size etc and even create your own filter to hold skills.
  • Hotbar, This will allow you to add your own custom hotbar with skills
  • Keybinds, This will allow you to add keybinds for hotbar / filters
  • Support UI Settings, This section will allow you to enable elements/gimmicks on screen such as “Safe Target”, “No Move”, “Positional indicators” and even move these around on the screen
madaocombat.1642765001.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/21 11:36 by cypher