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This addon requires MadaoCore (FREE), MadaoCombat (FREE), MadaoPVP (PAID) and CypherCore (FREE) Make sure you have them installed from the Minion store.

6.1 PvP Ready
This MCR PvP rotation is ready to assist you in PvP, Crystal Conflict and other PvP modes.
This addon will do your rotation for you and will react to situational circumstance against your foes to give you a higher chance of kills / survival.
Options to automatically switch between Black Shift & White Shift to dps/heal
Highly customisable setting options to suit your own play style, need a custom filter? No problem, need a custom hotbar skill? No Problem, if you can think of something you need, its likely already added and ready to configure.

MCR RedMage PVP:
- Advanced Logical Rotation
- Extended customization options
- Advanced AoE Detection
- Auto Target
- Image Hotbar / Normal Hotbar
- Filter Management
- Auto use of utility skills/spells.
- Optimal Burst Windows

Hotbar showcase

Hotbar supports defensive skills, sprint, White / Black shift, Corps-a-corps, Displacement, Frazzle and Magick Barrier
You can add any skill you want to the hotbar via the editor
You can set keybinds for these
You can change the size and style of these hotbar buttons and hide buttons you dont want visible in the MCR menu.

Recommended Toggles

These are my recommended settings for toggles for plug and play
I would also recommend setting keybinds for these toggles to quickly turn them on or off with keys / or optionally you can click them
You can change the size and style of these toggles and hide buttons you dont want visible in the MCR menu.

No Big Cooldowns

Following the Orange buttons highlighted on this screenshot, you can find the No Big Cooldowns menu.

NBC is a section whereby you can customize which CDs you want to hold when enabling the “No Big Cooldown” filter which you can see in the screenshot under the Recommended Toggles table of contents on this page.

When this filter is enabled it will save any cooldowns you have listed, overriding the defaults.

Adding to this, there is also another hidden filter you can enable called “No Big Auto”, this filter enabled will make the decision for you and enable the No Big Cooldowns filter automatically when conditions of the enemies health are met to avoid using big cds on low hp enemies.

You can explore other options in the menu in this screenshot, such as SmartDot Blacklist an area of which you can tell the system to not dot certain enemies.

NOTE: This Screenshot highlights the PVE Skills, however to the right of it you can also click the PvP menu which will list the pvp skills for you to save


Following the Orange buttons highlighted on this screenshot, you can find the Keybinds menu.

Firstly if you want to enable the use of keybinds, you need to tick the checkbox “Use Keybinds”

When that is enabled, you will be able to look through the menus and decide which filters or hotbar skills you want to make a keybind for

NOTE: This will only create keybind for the job spec your character is currently in

Custom Filter

Following the Orange buttons highlighted on this screenshot, you can find the Custom Filter menu.

Here you can create your own filter, if the default filters are not suitable for your own needs, make one yourself :)

These Support all the skills available for the class

You simple give it a name (Which will display on the filter UI) and check the skills you want adding to it. Enable it by checking “UI on/off” and “Active” checkboxes and you are all set!

Reporting Guide

Support on Madao Discord:
To receive proper support, I will require you to make a proper report please.
I need a minimum of information to be able to resolve your issue:

  • Your job
  • Your level
  • Do you have all skills unlocked for your level?
  • What were you doing?
  • What's not working?
  • Did you update and reload?
  • Did you try with Madao's add-ons only?
  • Copy all and paste of the console (if you don't want it to be public DM it to me)
  • Screen with specific information: version, profile used, filter settings
  • Use the HELP Button from the MCR UI to give you in game instructions of what we need more info on

mcr_cypher_rdm_pvp.1666900836.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/27 20:00 by cypher