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Namnaf's Duties

These duties are capable of farming esoteric and law tomes.

They both require a four-man bot team. The duties are dependent upon a normal setup of one Tank, one Healer, and two DPS Jobs.

The Aetherochemical Research Facility

Before fractal continuum can be farmed, and in order to finish the “Heavensward” quest Aetherochemical Research Facility must be completed. It is the most efficient source of law tomes that I know of :)

The Fractal Continuum

Using this duty requires a tightly knit bot team. iLvl ~170 or so if you want to clear it entirely. If you have not done so yet already, consider adding a melee DPS for limit breaking the boss. “3435” may be placed into the “NOT content ID” so that it is reserved for the boss. Consider food.

How to load and start duty profiles (short version)

1. Select the duty module from the lua module dropdown list.
2. Enable telecasting for melee units and disable it for ranged units.
3. Select the desired profile to be ran under.
4. Cross your fingers if it is your first time.

namnafs_duties.1445552817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/22 22:26 by namnaf