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Profile Bundler Deluxe

The deluxe version of ProfileBundler contains:

  • Profiles of higher complexity. With this you will have access to better profiles and so compete on a higher level with your teammates
  • Build template tool

For this addon you need ProfileBundler installed. You can get a 2 hours Trial, just DM me on Discord modera#3680

If you have a request concerning the profiles don't hesitate to DM me or write in my channel on Discord.

Contained Profiles

The currently available profiles are:

  • Mesmer ChronomancerSupportDeluxe (Raids, PVE)
  • Mesmer ChronomancerPowerDeluxe in beta phase (Raids, PVE)
  • Necromancer ScourgeCondiDeluxe (Raids,PVE)
  • Guardian DragonHunterDeluxe (Raids)
  • Engineer HolosmithRifleDeluxe (Raids, PVE)

Disclaimer: All profiles are based on the meta indicated on Snowcrows

The following profiles only work 100% if you have Follow Commanders Addon. They can be used in assist and grind mode:

  • Mesmer MirageFarmerDeluxe (Farming profile for events like halloween lab or Istan)
  • Thief DaredevilFarmerDeluxe (Farming profile for events like halloween lab)

Enable “attack on having target” in Profile Bundler and disable things like combat movement and combat itself in follow commanders addon

Build Templates Tool

  • Load will load the selected entries
  • Cancel will stop equipping
  • Checkboxes decide what you want to save
  • Name the name for the new entry (if already exists then it will overwrite)
  • Save saves the current build
  • Delete removes the selected entries in list

The Template Build tool can be opened by the shortcut Alt+Shift+D (aslong you haven't already registered something with those combinations).

  • Skill and Sigil swapping is not supported at the moment
  • If you equip weapons before choosing the required specialization it will naturally fail.
  • Equipment that only differentiate by stats won't be recognized so far


  • Adding further features that let's you decide which skills to use for boss mechanics to block or evade.
  • WeaverStaffPower
  • ChronoPower
  • Evt. Revenant (not sure as I don't own one till now)
profilebundlerdeluxe.1546995679.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/09 01:01 by modera