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This addon requires SallyLib! Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store. Also note that this addon does not auto heal! It will require reactions to interact with the API (Found on discord). It's meant to optimize dps and allow you to heal assists tool through the party list and hotbars.

SallyBLM is an Endgame PvE ACR Profile for Black Mage - The true DPS. The combat routine is mainly intended for level 80 end-game raiding. With the right gear, positioning, and awareness, you can achieve high performance. Addon comes with built in openers, skill bar, and hot bar that takes into account oGCD optimal weaving.



  • Correct weaving of OGCDs to ensure no clips
  • Optimal MP usage
  • Optimal AOE calculation
  • Optimal automatic pot timing
  • Ensures cool down lines up correctly
  • Rich hotbars
  • Adaptable Openers to ensure peak DPS uptime while keeping your party topped off.
  • Ability to go into AI mode if lucky mana ticks
  • Optimal DoT uptime is maintained.
  • Intelligent use of Smart dotting for 2 targets
  • AM To mouse & AM to party list hot bar

Orange Parse Notes: The ACR can definitely achieve orange parses. Thus, orange parses depends on the following things in these order:

  1. BiS Gears. This ACR relies heavily on optimized gears to achieve highest results.
  2. Need optimal positioning and manual toggling for things such as phases transitions based on personal SpS
  3. Caster uptime. The golden rule for any caster - ABC - Always Be Casting
  4. Kill time: Simply put, if you didn't kill at burst window, your dps will be down the drain by a few hundred.
  5. Luck: parses need luck with high crit to achieve best results. This can require farming/parsing some savages.

Set-up Guide

  • Step 1: Select ACR from the FFXIVMinion Menu
  • Step 2: Select ACR
  • Step 3: Select SallyBLM profile
  • Step 4: Have fun!

General Settings

From Top to bottom:

  1. Show Skill Bar: Shows the skill bar for quick selecting the Skills option
  2. Show Hot Bar: Shows the hotbar
  3. oGCD Delay: Normally a skill takes roughly ~700-750ms delay to cast, however we have SallyBLM's default set to 725. Increase this value if you are clipping. If you want to try to fit in more GCD or be more optimal, decrease this value to the bare minimum where you are not clipping.
  4. Use assist's Start Combat Check: if enabled, it will check for assist's combat check option to see if you are allowed to start combat.
  5. Opener Mode: Decide which opener to use for the following engagement. More openers will be added over time and they are fight specific.
  6. Debug: Leave this enabled by default
  7. Use swiftcast to save enochian during movement: Prevents enochian drop if swift is available.
  8. Use swiftcast for movement if no instant: If no instacast is available, will use swiftcast on a GCD to allow for more DPS than scathe.
  9. Allow clipping HotBar oGCD during movement: Will allow a clip on movement to get off the hotbar on instant
  10. Allow clipping AM/BtL if no instant: If no instant available to weave under, will interrupt GCD to get them off.
  11. Key (On Hold) to for hotbar (immediate): Will stop whatever action is happening to use the hotbar action.
  12. Key (On Hold) to for hotbar (After Spell): Will wait on whatever action is happening to finish before using the hotbar action.
  13. Umbral Soul: Allows for Umbral Soul spam only if you you are less than or equal secs in if you have 3 stacks of Umbral Heart already.

AOE Rules:

  1. Flare/Freeze/T4 Min >=: How many enemies must be within range before utilizing the “Flare/Freeze/T4” skill.
  2. Foul >=: How many enemies must be within range before utilizing the “Foul” skill.
  3. Avoid F3 >=: How many enemies must be within range before no longer using the “Fire 3” skill.

Skills Settings

From Top to bottom:

  1. Opener: Turn on when you are ready to perform opener. Just attack boss after.
  2. Potion: Uses potion at optimal buff timing
  3. Save CD ((Manafont, TripleCast, and Ley Lines): Enable if you wish to utilize the named skills manually instead of having minion handle them for you. (Usually to hold onto to get high damage after a phase change)
  4. Use AOE Spells: Enables the uses of AOE spells
  5. Use Manafont: Enables/disables Manafont.
  6. Use Triple Cast: Enables/disables Triple Cast.
  7. Use Ley Lines: Enables/disables Ley Lines.
  8. Use Sharpcast: Enables/disables Sharpcast.
  9. Use Xenoglossy: Enables/disables Xenoglossy.
  10. Use DoTs: Enables/disables DoTs.
  11. Use Swiftcast during AF for DPS: Enables/disables Swiftcast for F4/T3.
  12. Use BurnBoss: Enables/disables Burn Boss to get off Despair, Xenoglossy, and T3P.
  13. Use Transpose/US: Enables/disables Transpose + US for phase transitions to not drop enochian.
  14. Use Fire1: Enables/disables Fire 1 usage.
  15. Use Smart Dot: Enable smart dotting multiple target

The skill bar corresponds to the same settings above.

QT Settings

This menu is pretty simple. It will let you change if you show skill settings in the skill bar. Also you can adjust the position and index of the skill bar with this.

QT Customize

This page customizes the number of columns, spacing, color, etc for the skill bar.

Hotbar Settings

This menu is pretty simple. It will let you change if you show skill settings in the hotbar. Also you can adjust the position and index of the hotbar with this.

Hotbar Customize

This page customizes the number of columns, spacing, color, etc for the hotbar.

sallyblm.1592083439.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/13 21:23 by xsalice