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This addon requires SallyLib! Make sure you have that installed from the Minion store.

SallyMNK is an Endgame PvE ACR Profile for Monk. The combat routine is most effective at level 80, in end game raiding. With Best in Slot gear, positioning, and game knowledge you can achieve high parses and top DPS charts. SallyMNK comes with a prepull assist, skill toggles and a Hotbar that optimally weaves the skill you press. Support:


  • Optimal buff alignment and usage of Riddle of Fire and Brotherhood
  • Optimal potion use in your burst windows
  • Optimal AOE calculation
  • Forbidden Chakra and Shoulder tackle in burst windows
  • Ensures cooldowns line up correctly
  • Rich hotbars
  • Smart positional window
  • Drawn positional cones to show you melee range
  • Smart True north usage for Bootshine and latest minute usage if you're about to miss a positional
  • Hold shoulder tackle charge to save for dashing

Orange Parse Notes: The ACR can definitely achieve orange parses or higher. These depend on the following things:

  1. BiS Gear. This gear determines how much damage you can actually do so you need the best to get high.
  2. Melee uptime. Always be attacking. Lost of up-time will affect you tremendously
  3. Kill time: If your kill time doesn't line up with your burst windows, your dps will be crippled
  4. Luck: parses need luck with high crit and chakras to achieve best results. This can require farming/parsing some savages

Set-up Guide

  • Step 1: Select ACR from the FFXIVMinion Menu
  • Step 2: Select ACR
  • Step 3: Select SallyMNK profile
  • Step 4: Have fun!

General Settings

From Top to bottom:

  1. Show Skill Bar: Shows the skill bar for quick selecting the Skills option
  2. Show Hot Bar: Shows the hotbar
  3. oGCD Delay: Normally a skill takes roughly ~700-750ms delay to cast. Increase this value if you are clipping. If you want to try to fit in more GCD or be more optimal, decrease this value to the bare minimum where you are not clipping.
  4. Use assist's Start Combat Check: if enables, it will check for assist's combat check option to see if you are allowed to start combat
  5. Debug: prints messages for helping developer fix issues
  6. Positional Mode: Choose between a window that shows arrows OR Cones from the enemy hitbox showing you where to stand
  7. Positional Colour On (Cone): These are the colour values for the Cones when you are in the right position and the colour can be adjusted: RED, GREEN, BLUE, OPACITY
  8. Positional Colour Off (Cone): Same as above but for when you are not stood in the correct position.
  9. Lock Positional Window: locks the arrow so you do not accidentally move or resize them.
  10. Make positional Window Transparent: sets the background to transparent, otherwise it will show the window background.
  11. Click Through Positional Window: allow you to click through them.

General Settings:

  1. Refresh Demolish (DOT) if ⇐ x (sec): This is the time remaning on your dot for the acr to aim to refresh it.
  2. Refresh Twin Snakes if ⇐ x (sec): This is the time remaning on your twin snakes damage buff for the acr to aim to refresh it.
  3. Use Shoulder Tackle (Dash) if ⇐ x (Yalms) to Target: This is the range at which the acr will use your dash.
  4. Use Shoulder Tackle x seconds before capping: This is the time before you will go back to 2 stacks on your dash.
  5. Auto Form Shift >= Yalms: This is the range at which the acr will form shift in order to preserver your GL stacks
  6. Auto Meditate >=Yalms: This is the range at which the acr will use meditate to gain chakra stacks for The Forbidden Chakra
  7. True North Only For Bootshine Missed Positional: This is if you want the acr to TN the most important positional only (higher skill option)

Pre-Pull Options (These are “Opener” settings):

  1. Truth North when you target Boss: This is so you don't have to do positionals for the first few seconds of the opener
  2. Riddle of Earth when you target Boss: This is to fish for a proc of Earth's Reply (30 second True North)
  3. Shoulder Tackle when you target Boss: This is so the acr dashes in when you target on pull

AOE Settings (Default Values Should be Fine):

  1. Arm of Destroyer if >=x (Mobs): The minimum targets required for the acr to use this
  2. Four Point Fury if >=x (Mobs): The minimum targets required for the acr to use this
  3. Rock Breaker if >=x (Mobs): The minimum targets required for the acr to use this
  4. Rock Breaker No Dot if >=x (Mobs): The minimum targets required for the acr to use this
  5. Enlightenment if >=x (Mobs): The minimum targets required for the acr to use this

Skills Settings

This menu is pretty simple. Activates/deactivates ability and combo base on the text/skillbar

QT Settings

This menu will let you change the shown skill settings in the skill toggle bar (Blue and red). Also you can adjust the position and index of the skill bar with this.

QT Customize

This page customizes the number of columns, spacing, color, etc for the skill bar.

Hotbar Settings

This menu will let you change the shown skill settings on the hotbar. You can adjust the position and index of the hotbar with this.

Hotbar Customize

This page customizes the number of columns, spacing, color, etc for the hotbar.

sallymnk.1592975818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/24 05:16 by xsalice