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1. First thing you are gonna want to do is set the bot mode to Grind
2. Once you have set the Bot Mode to Grind you will need to select the navmesh for the zone you are in. Open hte Mesh Manager by clicking Advanced Settings
3. Once you select the Navmesh for the zone you are in(or area you want to grind at) confirm the mesh loaded correctly by clicking “Show NavMesh”
4. Once you confirmed you are on the correct NavMesh you will need to place Markers for each area in the zone that you want to grind at. You can set these based on level ranges or by time. Locate the Marker Manager by clicking on Advanced Settings.
5. You want to set the Marker Mode to List if you are going to run multiple markers for different level ranges or times. Set the marker mode to single if you are going to stay at one marker only.
Set the marker Type to Grind Marker then Click New Marker.
6. Once you click new marker you can edit the marker for your desired effect. Here I'veset the first marker level range 36-40 It will Grind at this marker till it dings 41 at which point it will move on to the next marker that is 41-45
7. Once you have your marker manager set up with the list of markers you want to use for grinding you need to select a skill profile for the class you are running.The Skill Manager is located under Advanced Settings. If its the default profile you want to run when this class is loaded tick that box and tick the enabled box.
8. After you have selected your Skill manager profile for the class you are running all thats left is to enable the bot by pressing the start/stop button.
In addition to grinding at Grind Markers you can also have the bot Do Fates inbetween killing mobs.
1. To enable Fate grinding locate the “Settings” options on the main bot window.
2. Expand this option window and put a tick in “Do Fates”
3. Furthermore if you want the bot to ignore all grind markers you can put a tick in Fates Only.
If you happen to be on the Atma quest chain you can enable Do Atma and the bot will change zones after you loot the Atma quest reward from your current zone(lvl 50 characters only)
Grind Options:
1. Prioritize Claims: works with Content ID from your grind markers. When Enableing Prioritize Claims the bot will try and gather all mobs within the Claim Range that match the content ID you put on the grind marker.
Claim Range sets how far the bot will look for Mobs when you enable Prioritize Claims.
Attack Claimed will attack mobs that are claimed by other people/groups.
2. Combat Range% is for ranged classes. This setting is % value of your max range. so if your max range is 25yalm setting this setting to 90% will have you try to attack the mob when you are about 20 yalms away.
FATE Options:
1. Rest in fates will enable you to rest when the HP/MP% value is reached after combat while doing fates.
2. MaxFatelvl:+ is how many levels above your current level you want to do fates. For example if you are level 20 and set it to +5 it will do fates up to level 25.
3. MinFatelLvl- is how many levels below your current level you want to do fates. For example if you are level 20 and you set it to -5 it will do fates as low as lvl 15.
4. WaitForcomplete% the bot will run to the edge of the fate and wait for what ever value you place in this box. For example 5%, the bot will wait till 5% of the fate is completed before joining.
5. Teleport % If the fate reaches a certain completed % the bot will simply telepot straight into the fate instead of running to it. Teleport must be on and no players within 30y of you.
6. Wait Near Evac: If this is enabled you will wait near your Evac point.
7. Min/Max Random Delay, The amount of time when a fate spawns your bot will wait before taking off to the fate. I.E. if you set it to 5/10 it will wait a random amount of time between 5seconds and 10 seconds to head to the fate.
Here you can choose which fate types you wish to do, or what % of completion each specific fate is at before attempting to join it.
To set up Party Grind you need to set the Bot Mode to Party-grind.
Party Grind is for Grinding open world and requires a Navmesh to work. A typical set up would consist of a leader bot on Grind, or a player playing manually. Then other bots in party.
By using “Use Party Leader” and all groupped up the bots set to party grind will follow the leader around attack what the leader attacks.
Another set up for party grind would be boosting a lower level character with a higher level character. To do this the Higher level character would have to be out of party. So you would set the higher level character to party grind remove the tick in “Use Party Leader” then Target the character you want to follow and hit Target→Leader. This will cause the higher level bot to follow the lower level character around and kill what it kills.
Fishing is very simple to set up. First Set the Bot Mode to Fish.
Next click Marker Manager(if you have any questions about settings here you should read the marker mananger tutorial)
Select the Marker you wish to edit or Create a new marker.
Marker Settings:
Once you have all your markers set and configured enable the bot and begin fishing.
1. First thing you need to do is set your “Bot Mode” to “Gather”
2. Next we need to set a Skill profile for your Gathering Class
3. The NavMesh for the zone you are in should be loaded
4. Next you want to look at your Marker Manager(click Advanced Settings)
5. Click on Marker Manager
If you want to gather several markers set marker mode to list or random, if you want to gather from 1 Marker Set it to single.(Refer to the Marker Manager tutorial)
6. Make sure your Marker Type is set to the type of gathering you are doing.
7. Then you need to edit your Marker with the Time/level range and items you want to gather from the nodes at this marker.
8. Make sure to set your Home location to the zone you are gathering in.
9. Once you have done that you are ready to start the bot.
To start gathering unspoiled, some setup is required.
To gather unspoiled nodes, you must have:
Locations can be edited once saved, and should also be saved while on the map for that particular location.
Enabled - if you want to save this location, but not use it in the active rotation, uncheck this.
Set your Bot Mode to Crafting
Set the skill profile to the correct class and task that you are gonna be crafting for.
Other Settings:
Then manually select the recipie you wish to craft then enable the bot.
This Tutorial is going over “How to set up Quest Mode” not how to build quest profiles.
First thing you want to do is set the “Bot Mode:” to Quest.
Next you want to choose the profile you wish to run.
Then you want to select the Skill Profile for the class you are running.
Then you can Enable Bot. Its really that simple!!!!!
Advanced Options:
You can enable some of the hacks here if you wish to auto repair or Disable Rendering. But if you use the Teleport hack use at your own risk. TPing in open world is dangerous and you could get reported.
This guide is going to go over “How to set up Duty Mode”. This is not a tutoiral on how to create duty profiles.
To get started the first thing you need to do is set all 4 bots “Bot Mode:” to Duty
Next you want to set the Profile for the Duty you are going to run.
Next you want to select the skill profile for the class you want to run
Next under the settings tab you can set loot options (if you are doing chest or bosses in your profiles)
Now with v1.5 you can use melee in duty mode!!!! (Make sure not to set your leader as melee ) Enable Telecast for melee characters.
Finally set your reset timer(This is for if for some reason you fail to requeue for the duty it will try to queue again by the value in Seconds you set here.)
A new feature has been added called Performance. You can set at how fast the bot selects the queue for the duty and and goes through the menus.
Once all this is set up and your 4 bots are grouped up you can enable the bots enjoy Duty mode!
Set your Bot Mode to PVP.
Next you want to set your Priority up. Healer, tank , melee , ranged, lowest health, closest. how ever you want to set it up.
Other Options:
Assist mode is for assissted play. You still control how your character moves, the bot does the rotation for you.
Set your Bot Mode to Assist.
Other Settings
Quick Start is exactly that, Quick and easy way to get started using the bot with minimal set up.
Set your Bot Mode To Quick Start.
First you will need to navigate to the Skill Manager it is located under Advanced Settings.
Once you have clicked on the Skill Manager button you will get 2 new windows
First window Skillbook you can populate the skill book with your skills by hitting Refresh Skills. The skill mananger works as a priority system from top to bottom so remember this when building your profile and adding skills.
MiscSkills will be a list of Skills that may or may not be directly tied to combat. This is where you would find the Limit break skill along with many many other skills.
The Second window Skill Manager is where you will Edit, Set default, name your skill profiles.
As you click skills from your skill book it moves them over to the skill mananger so that you can edit the skills so that they only fire under specific conditionals.
Skill Details:
Basic Details
Other Skill Checks
Afer clicking on MarkerManager a new menu will pop up.
You have 3 different Marker Modes. When clicking on the marker mode drop down menu you get these options.
You have 4 different Marker types you select the marker from the drop down menu.
Other Settings:
Marker Settings:
Here is an example of a Gathering Marker. As you can see the Gather Manager has been removed. The priority of items that you wish to gather is now controled by the marker and Marker Manager. Just like the Grind Marker above you have similar settings a couple new ones and a unique way to use some of the settings here are some examples.
However Added to the Gathering Markers are your priority list (also Stealth and Mooch will be found on the edit marker, gather Maps by type is also found here, along with Gathering Gardening materials, furhter more you can set skill profiles on a marker basis.
In this case here the marker is in the middle of 2 different types of botanist nodes. I can set Priority 1 to be the item i want to gather from trees and the Priority 2 to be the item i wan tto gather from the bushes.
A Navigation Mesh or short NavMesh defines the ground on which the bot can walk. It sits ontop of the level geometry like a second skin and is used for the calculations needed in order to move the bot freely around through the gameworld and to avoid obstacles etc.
A Navmesh is created from multiple Triangles as basis geometry. With the included MeshManager you are able to create and modify the triangles for the navmesh. After creating enough Triangles, you need to save them ( they will be saved inside the \Navigation\ folder as xxx.obj file). When you press the Save button (or when loading the first time a navmesh), the Real Navmesh will automatically build from the Triangles, this Navmesh is beeing used for the bot to navigate on.
In order for the bot to move intelligently over the maps, avoid obstacles or dangerous areas, walk safely on roads without encountering enemies or even beeing able to jump down ledges or over obstacles, the NavMesh/Triangles can be recorded with different Area-Types, which you can see on the screenshot above.
Create your own navmesh:
Profile Manager for making Quest Profiles
After Pressing the Profile Manager button it will bring up a new UI menu to create your Quest Profile.
Here we will go over some of the options for the Profile Manager(PM)
Now that you have your Quest profile named lets get in to the options for the quest its self.
After all these options are set you will click the “ADD Quest” button. You now should see your Quest ID listed in the Quests section. Now you will Click the quest to set the steps and options for that quest.
Now we can edit the Pre Req quest(s) for current quest.
Now We can edit the steps for the current quest
Edit Steps: This is where you would Set the tasks for completing the quest.( Start quest, Kill counts, or item pick ups.)
At the bottom of the Step Manager you have edit Turn-ins. This is where you add the Id Number of the items and which slot the go into. So say you have to pick up 3 items from a quest to turn in to an NPC, This is where you set up The ID+Slot in the turn in window to the NPC.
Alows you to Black list certain fates, mobs, aoes. You set the Blacklist name drop down menu to select the different things you want to black list. then you the add entry section to select the exact mob or fate or aoe you wish to black list. USe the Delete entry button to remove the item from the black list.
Works with the Multibot server, you can add specific bots to certain teams so that they can communicate with each other. this is a very advanced feature and requires Multibot server set up and one of 2 Lua Addons to make use of the connection. Basically the Multibot manager is just a tool to set up the connection in its self it does not perform any other tasks then communicating with the multibot server and joining specific groups.
Use this addon to control multiple bots from one bot.
This is a small module I built to utilize the multibot server that is not used in FFXIV currently. The initial release only does 3 things, but it is expandable, customizable, and allows users to add their own files in as well.
The controller addon will allow users with the click of one button to accomplish things such as: - Stop/Starting all bots. - Reloading modules on all bots. - Reconfiguring bot teams for duty without having to access your team mate's computer. - Returning all bots to a certain location - The list goes on.. any and all things that require inter-bot communication can be accomplished (generally speaking).
Module should be installed into the <Your Minion Directory>\LuaMods\Controller.
Custom Handlers (1 provided, all customs placed here):
Server Setup - Local
To start, you will need the MultibotComServer application, which must be started, and settings.ini file configured however you'd like it to be (mostly you need to know/set the password in the [server] section).
Multibot Manager Setup
The multibot manager UI can most easily be found by going to the LuaMods in the top bar. You will need to enter the IP address, port, password and channel.
Bots will only receive commands from bots in their channel, so make sure you join the correct channel. The channel name should also be unique enough to avoid overlap with other teams if using a hosted/shared server.
First things first you will want to click the Advanced Settings Tab.
You should get a window that looks like this.
The advanced settings window contains settings that are typically GLOBAL settings. These settings will effect every mode you are in. Unlike the settings tab that shows up on the main bot window which are specific settings that only effect the mode you are currently in.
BotStatus: This is kinda a settings and information tab. It will give you information about what current taks you are in, marker name/timer, game time along with counts and timers for the current task you are doing. This is where you can enable log and cne log, so that you can get more information on what currently the bot is doing.(helpfull information when you are reporting a bug)
General: This will hold most of the important settings that you will need in game.
Player HP/MP/TP: This is the setting for controling when yoru character Rests/Flees combat/ or take potions. also you can set it to HP value for when you want to start avoiding AOE, IE. if at 50% it will not avoid aoe till your character is below 50% hp.
Cast Prevention
You can use this to export your global settings, Marker settings to share with other people, Or import settings from other community members.